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(Author's POV)

It was the last period of the day and Jungkook was more than excited for the college to get over but on the other hand Taehyung was nervous as hell as he was going to Jungkook's house after college.

They both were watching the time, one to end it fastly and the other to end it slowly.

The bell rang and Jungkook shot out like a bullet towards his car waiting for Taehyung to come.

Taehyung walked slowly like a snail but in the end he had to exit the college and then there he saw Jungkook looking all sexy while waiting for him

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Taehyung walked slowly like a snail but in the end he had to exit the college and then there he saw Jungkook looking all sexy while waiting for him.

"Hi baby let's go hmmm?"

"Yeah after you my Lord" Taehyung said in low tone .

Taehyung was in awe like how beautiful can someone's house be and it was his boyfriend's house. He was watching everything with his mouth opened and Jungkook was smiling while watching his reaction,

"Don't be shocked baby you need to get used to it later, c'mon let's get in the house"

"Hello Mr. Butler, tell Mom I have a friend with me, make something delicious for him."

"C'mon Taehyung, let's go in my room"

Taehyung gulped on hearing the word room.

"Don't be afraid I won't do anything for now, at least"

Right now Taehyung was in between of Jungkook's legs with his back resting on his chest as Jungkook sneakily sat at the back of Taehyung.

( Bless the artist @nonconman on Instagram and Twitter)

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( Bless the artist @nonconman on Instagram and Twitter)

Taehyung was studying while Jungkook sleeping on his shoulder,

"Jungkook are you sleeping?"

"Hmmm your body scent is soothing"

"Really how does it smell?" Taehyung asked excitedly.

"Ummm garbage?" He joked.

"Yaaa get away from me!"

"Oh baby come here listen, you smell fruity kind and I don't know its just soothing" sniffing him again.

"Ohhhh fruity kind hmmm... Like sweet sweet right?" he excitedly questioned.

"Hmmm right now let me taste that scent" he said coming near to his lips but then his mom barged in with food.

He held Taehyung tightly around his waist on the sudden sound,

"Ohh mine, did I disturb something?" she teased .

"Shit, why your timing is always bad big lady ?" he whined.

"Yaaa it's mom for you and her timing is always perfect. Now let me introduce myself to your friend."

She came and cupped Taehyung's cheeks, "Oh my God, he is so handsome at the same time cute! Hii handsome cutie I'm Jungkook's mom what's your name?"

"Umm I'm Kim Taehyung"

"Awww even his voice yaa Jungkookah you are not playing with him right? And if you were I'm going to kill the only heir of this family, he is so precious."

"No mom I love him more than anything and remove your hands these cheeks are mine"

"Ohhhh but you said he was your friend!" and now Jungkook was discovered.

"Oh c'mon I know everything, it's the first time you came with someone except your BTS group then it must be someone special."

"Mom you know everything, now can you?" he eyed his mom to exit .

"Ya ya who wants this old lady? I'm going and don't you dare do anything dirty with this precious child?" she fake cried and left.

"Hehehe your mom is funny"

"And you are yummy"

"But I think this food is yummier, let's eat"

Jungkook took away the tray from Taehyung and said,  "first my food then yours"

"Gukkie~~~~" he cried cutely and kissed Jungkook softly.

"Here have your food now" and he again drifted to sleep with Taehyung studying.

Word count :579

(Little fluff is not harmful for health right?)😂😉

(Little fluff is not harmful for health right?)😂😉

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(태딸기 That's taetalgi ~ taestrawberry)

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(태딸기 That's taetalgi ~ taestrawberry)

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