#Thirty# M

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"Stop it Jungkook that's enough now, do you even realize what you have done to yourself ?" he said shaking Jungkook a little bit.

Jungkook came back to his senses a little bit, he scratched his head in the whole headache he was going through "but why do you care ? You love him, right? Why are you even here?"

"Jungkook stop I never said that we are going to be separated, it was just that I was angry that how could you beat someone like that who was not even in fault. Why can't you understand, we never kissed."

"But that day you said you love...... you love him and not me, it was unbearable, it is unbearable. I can't even take it now, it seems like it was all fake....it....it seems like all this time I was being played." Jungkook said crying his heart out , it was the first time Taehyung saw Jungkook being so broke.

He held his face in his hands who was still crying, "Jungkook see in my eyes please see me in my eyes , do you feel like the love I have for you is fake ? Does it feel like it was not true?" There was a long silence, a little hiccups sounds could ...

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He held his face in his hands who was still crying, "Jungkook see in my eyes please see me in my eyes , do you feel like the love I have for you is fake ? Does it feel like it was not true?" There was a long silence, a little hiccups sounds could be heard from Jungkook for catching his breath due to crying. They were staring deep into each other, "I love you Jungkook" Taehyung whispered still holding his face close to him.

With a sudden spark Jungkook placed his hands on Taehyung's cheeks, "Then prove it! Prove it that it was not fake, prove it that you are still mine", and kissed him hard to gulp him in one kiss connecting with him forever. Their mouths moved in all hunger for each other , letting each other feel their true feelings. Jungkook wanted him so bad that he could engulf him in himself . Taehyung closing his eyes feeling a lingering lust for the other which was lost for a while. They knew that this moment is theirs, and they wanted to last it forever. Tongues moving in sync, saliva molding with each other, alcohol making them more lost in it , ruffling their hair in whole pleasure and passionately moving their head to gulp each other down. They knew they both were each other's right time at the right moment.

Lack of air made them release from each other but still a sparkling string of saliva was connecting them together, waiting on each others lips to never let go of this feeling. They both opened their eyes slowly smiling a little bit , "you know I can't do this with him right?" Taehyung said softly and Jungkook hummed in response smiling a little bit. He smooched him again to assure himself, a soft sound escaped from their lips when they disconnected.

"You are mine, you love me hmm?" Jungkook said it as a command and Taehyung softly hummed to it. Jungkook attacked on his neck to darken those light marks which were left weeks ago. Taehyung feeling every inch of his skin being covered by his tongue and lips, his hands slowly stroking his hair in whole pleasure. Jungkook clicked on a button in the car on which the seat went back giving them more access to be with each other. Jungkook knew what he was doing, he pulled Taehyung on his thighs/ lap harshly grabbing his butt cheeks which sent vibrations in Taehyung's body. Taehyung sitting on his Jungkook's thighs bending his knees, his front facing him, his hands on his shoulders giving him support to sit on his thighs. They stared deep into each other as Jungkook hungrily watched his lips and jawline, "Do something Jungkook , don't tease me by staring so hard, touch me or I'll die here due to lack of touch" .

"Hmm? Let me first appreciate this art for a little while because after that I'm going to see a better version of this art which is sexier, hotter and more exciting that I'll definitely forget this one

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"Hmm? Let me first appreciate this art for a little while because after that I'm going to see a better version of this art which is sexier, hotter and more exciting that I'll definitely forget this one." Jungkook wanted to see the messed up Taehyung more but after appreciating the right now Taehyung face. Taehyung grinded on Jungkook's thighs in whole frustration. Jungkook showed two fingers in front of his mouth which Taehyung excitedly took in his mouth sucking them hard and covering them with his saliva, while Jungkook's other hand started unbuckling his belt and jeans and removed it to his knees. "Baby, let them (fingers) go", he said grabbing his ass in his other hand and slapping it so that Taehyung leave his fingers. 'ahhhh~~~~ gukkie..~~" Taehyung arched his back leaning his head on Jungkook's left shoulder.

Jungkook brought his saliva covered fingers to tae's entrance letting him feel the coldness and hotness at the same time. He inserted one finger with which Taehyung arched again but suddenly Jungkook added another finger with which Taehyung's head snapped up from his shoulders with his mouth opened in all pleasure. Jungkook saw his baby feeling his fingers engulfing them more in himself , he started thrusting them. Taehyung's head went back, his eyes watching the car ceiling , his mouth opened from which saliva filled with pleasure started to drooling out. Jungkook saw his imagined art coming alive. Taehyung's neck a little above from Jungkook's face was again attacked by him and then his collarbones, his fingers thrusting every corner of his insides giving damn of a pleasure to Taehyung.

"ahh~~~~ ahhahh~~~ haaahaa~~ uhh~~ jung ahhh~~ goo ahhh~~ more pleaseee ahhhannmmmhhhnmm moreeeee deeep", Taehyung cried in all pleasure as Taehyung was on his knees and his face a little above from Jungkook's face.

Jungkook stopped sucking his collarbones and looked up to stare deeply at his baby's pleasure filled face, "hmmm? More you say?" and with that he added a third finger in him and started thrusting in him in an animalistic pace "There you go". Taehyung gasped and his body straightened up on this feeling, a little pain from behind. His hands gripped on Jungkook's shoulders digging his nails in them, his body bouncing up and down on the rhythm of his fingers.

"ahnahnahanahanahanahan", a sweet melody with pleasure filled and a little crying mixed as well could be heard from Taehyung's mouth as he was bouncing on his fingers feeling still incomplete

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"ahnahnahanahanahanahan", a sweet melody with pleasure filled and a little crying mixed as well could be heard from Taehyung's mouth as he was bouncing on his fingers feeling still incomplete. Jungkook was watching his face in whole satisfaction when his other hand gripped on Taehyung's neck and pulled his face closer to himself. There he saw the messed up Taehyung looking hazily to him from tears filled eyes with mouth open in pleasure, "This is my art that I created, don't ever let it be seen by anyone else, got it?" Jungkook said gripping more on his cheeks, "ahhhann ahhnanah yennnsssss gukkiieennnn ahhn" Taehyung said with his lips curled from Jungkook's gripping his cheeks. Jungkook kissed his lips hungrily and said "Bounce more baby, show me you love me only, show me you belong to me only."

Taehyung was bouncing getting tired but managed to say, "It's not enough, I want you, I want yours in me, please fuck me from your dick, please make me also feel that you belong to me, that that dick of yours is mine."

Ohhh god what did he just say? Is it alcohol? Is he my Taehyung? You're making me crazy baby.

Word count:1205

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