Ch 64 Teased.

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+++++++++++ I went back in and changed the Ending! sorry I had to! I must have been tired when I wrote what I had before. this is much better, Enjoy!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The robe was now open but I wasn't facing them, as I rose my arms my hands reaching for my hair, I let it down slow and sexy letting it fall shaking my hair out a bit knowing it would cover my back completely, I lowered the robe with it exposing only my arms, that they could see. I'm sure they thought I had nothing on.

I glanced back around. then quickly closing the robe as I turned back to them.

"ahh, Come on baby" Drogo cried out making me laugh.

"what, the robe is all I got" I replied

"Well that's enough let us see, please," he asked again Drogo was never afraid to speak up and the other let him. jsut waiting for my reaction.

"you want to see, "I asked all of them,

"yes," I think they all said at once.

I laughed, "Okay, okay let me come back in then"

"what, no let us see"

"no, let me walk back in," I said turning and heading back to the doors.

This time I had their full attention and I was going to use it.

I heard few moans, as I disappeared but they were all at the ready to see this.

standing behind the door I put out one leg, pointing it without my heal on. bring it back I slipped the heal on stepping out one leg again turning my back to them I stepped out, standing there. I giggled a minute I was nervous. would they even like this. my hair was back up. the robe closed.

"Baby, you're killing us" Drogo again

"Patience" I demanded.

raising the robe up on my right letting them see the stockings more, and tight. they gasped.

I chuckled a bit more. then repeated the same action on the left. again they groaned.

SHH, "I said. giggling. I knew they were dying at this point. So I bent forward touching my toes all the way to the floor, I bent one knee then the other just a little so they could see me move from behind.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I heard and the roar of growls I giggled even more.

standing up again slowly I turn this time facing them the robe closed still, I reached to pull it open but stopped. taking a step I undid one, another step undoing another, a third step I gently let the robe sits barely touching before I took another step, as it moved with me opening with each step I raise my hands releasing my hands again shaking my hair, I stood the robe only still show a little. The groaned running their hands over there faces.

I laughed. loving their reaction. then in one move allowed the robe to open showing them what I was wearing. their eyes widen, glowing, as each of them growled low. there primal instinct to take there mate kicking in.. I had turned them one more so than I ever have.

sliding the robe off I let it hit the floor as I walked down the line of my lovers. starting with Nick.

Click, Click, CLick, my heals tapped the floor with each step. coming to stand in front of each of them I ran my hand across their shoulders to there chest then finding there hand, as they turned me around checking me out.

to each I whispered "what do you think, do you like it"

Nick his grin was so big, his blue eyes looking me over before he answered "this is .. there are no words beautiful" he said licking his lips before I let go and walked to Drogo, repeating my steps as he turned me I asked again.

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