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A being who can replenish and kill

Able to unleash chaotic magic at will

A soul like no other

Is yet to be discovered

Abolishing the evil and crude

A battle is yet to be brewed

War heeds its fate

And magic finally falls prey

Several will be brought upon their moral

Masked between betrayal, death and the immortal

The mighty will slay the wicked

Two of a kind, battling and conflicted

When the storm becomes the night

And the abandoned and brave left to reunite

Two generations will clash

The great phoenix rising from the ash

Through a passage of years

The land flooded with blood, sweat and tears

Before all hope falls

And twilight marks destiny... 


The Aki Code:

Never break a promise, even for love

Never ever approach or trust a Gali

And never, ever, use your powers unless necessary


Several hundred years later from the present on planet Earth, lie the five continents, Heithewral, Scenaria, Lexum, Trinity, and Euphoria. They were created after the former continents, North America, South America, Africa, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, and Australia, were destroyed and split into several other lands, later being combined with each other to create new ones. 

Humanity, however, still flourished amongst this revolutionary birth which was later called Ultimata. As well as the humanity that thrived, magic was unleashed, yet stayed hidden for thousands of years. Because of Ultimata, there began extreme technological advances and features. All regions lived in harmony with few quarrels between territories.


Two types of main magic existed in Ultimata: Clear magic and "click" magic. Clear magic was the first magic to completely develop in Ultimata and it consisted of common magic types, such as telekinesis, shapeshifting, flying, invisibility, and much more. But "click" magic consisted of special magic, like dragonslayer magic, shadow sorcery, zodiac magic, and even acid magic. This magic was less common than clear magic, but it was still a remarkable part of wizardry. But now awakens magic amongst the unknown, and oblivious to the world. 


Quest of Legacies Character Cast Description

Name: Age/Powers/Sex/Role

Tobi: 14 years old/ Shapeshifter+Healing/ Female/ Main Character

Valor: 14 years old/ Mind-reading+Telekinesis/ Female/ Main Character

Artemis: 15 years old/ Dragonoid+ Poison Bite/ Male/ Lonely hunter+Warrior

Vale: 15 years old/ Elemental: Ice/ Male/ Elemental, Half-Blind

Jered: 16 years old/ Shapeshifter+Teleportation/ Male/ Tobi+Valor's brother

Aspen: 15 years old/ Elemental: Earth/ Male/ Unknown

Aquila: 8 years old/ Animal communication/ Female/ Maid's daughter+ Adopted

Fierrn: 28 years old/ Invisibility+Nature powers/ Female/ Maid

Kristal: 39 years old/ Mage powers+Telekinesis/ Female/ Tobi+Valor's mother

Phoenix: 16 years old/ Fire+Love+ Conjuring magic+ Unknown powers/ Male/ The Enemy

Hassa: 6 years old/ Flying+Night vision/ Male/ Tobi's winged dog

Patience: 4 years old/ Camouflage+Telepathy+Fire/ Female/ Valor's baby dragon

Hilda: 9 years old/ Mind-Reading/ Male/ Kristal's pet hawk, a thunderbird

Toni: 14 years old/ Precognition/ Male/ Prophet+Mage+Servant

Astronomy: 100 years old/ Immortal+X-ray+Night vision/ Male/ Vale's cat

Twilight to Destiny- Quest of LegaciesWhere stories live. Discover now