Chapter 2

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"What on earth is wrong?" she asked them, alarmed by their breathless expressions. Valor and Tobi were panting now.

Tobi swallowed. "H-Hassa-"

They heard a yelp then a roar from Patience. Kristal stepped out of the house and peered over to the shower-houses. Her eyes squinted, having been blinded by the overpowering light of the sun.

Whispy clouds of smoke, just barely noticeable traced around in the distance.  They then heard a couple of crashes and several wails. Kristal didn't hesitate- she sprinted towards the houses. Valor followed her and Tobi stayed a second longer to take a breather. She then shapeshifted into a cheetah and ran swiftly all the way over there. 

She hopped over a little shrub planted beneath the hill and inched closer to the ruckus. Beating Kristal and Valor to the scene, she screeched to a halt to prevent her agile form from ramming into the walls of the shower houses. Her jaw dropped as she saw the chaos. When the others caught up they were just as confused and concerned as she was. Kristal gasped and Valor bit her lip.

Hassa and Patience were swatting in the air and were taking painful blows to their weak spots from previous injuries. They thrashed around violently and whimpered into oblivion. Then right in front of them, a cloud of darkness appeared. Tobi got pushed to the ground but instantly sprang up rapidly to hide any weakness.

She punched in a random direction but fell flat on her stomach. Valor saw the darkness turn towards her. Two red piercing eyes stared daggers at her through the smoke. The darkness lunged at her for an attack just missing, as she flew to the side It tried again and failed, for Valor was dodging and meanwhile trying to read its mind.

"I can't read it! What is going on?" she shouted as she levitated a few feet before the cloud.

"What? You think you can read this... THING's mind?" Tobi fired back, rolling onto the ground to pick up her fallen scythe.

Valor ducked as the mass of shadows swarmed above her, trying to cave her in on the ground. "I can read anyone or anything's mind, Tobi." She coughed as a rusty gas filled her lungs and scorched them like fire. 

"What even is this thing?!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Tobi darted across the garden and into the shed. She bursted through the slightly rotten wood and grabbed an axe, swinging it at the wave and slicing it into nothing. 

"I TOLD you we should've showered later!"

Tobi licked her lips and weighed in the contemplated thought of whacking her sister. She tightened the grip on the steel handle and nearly considered it. As she glared to the side, Valor smirked at her.

"Tobi..." Kristal warned, encircling her hands with chakra and fluttering her fingers. A gust of wind powered through the disfigured enemy and slapped against the the tall evergreen trees in the distance. They whipped back and leaves flittered off their branches and drifted along the current. 

"Yeah yeah, sorry Mom..." 

"Hm. You sure?" Valor snickered. Tobi scoffed at her. 

Valor clenched her fists and briskly scanned the ground and found a sharp blade. Speedily picking it up, she chucked into the cloud. As soon as the blade reached its center, it parted and the dagger flew right through just to disappear on the other side.


It was gone.

Hassa grunted and heaved himself up, meanwhile Patience flapped her wings and shook the dust off of her.

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