Chapter 15

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As the drones pursued Tobi, Valor, and Artemis, someone watched in the sky. His hands encircled them as he chanted.

"Fil ir al cencia!" he whispered in a deep tone. A black wave of energy formed in front of him, swarming the air yet remaining hidden.

"You must choose one," it commanded. The man sighed, his smooth hair blowing gracefully in the slight breeze. His eyes sparkled with a smirk as he gazed down below.

"The mind reader. She is more powerful than the others. The other one cares too much for her sister and is very strong, but will not see it coming..." he responded back, and the wave floated down to the group, striking Valor down with the powerful strength of none other than Aztri himself. However, a black object darted into the weapon, causing it to almost collide with someone else. A boy below whipped his head up into the sky just as the man darted into the trees.  He cursed and tightened his grip on the handle.

"Try again," the voice echoed

He summoned all of his strength upon the weapon and cast his hands down to the ground, to where one of the girls shrieked suddenly. Black and purple dusts smothered her abruptly and bound her down to the earth.


Valor's mind went slow-mo. The drones slowed their motion, red lights blinking slower and slower until they were frozen. Tobi was stuck mid-air from being knocked backward by something. Valor started to try to read its mind- she could tell that it was alive- but it just came out into a jumble of letters. Artemis was staged like he was running a marathon, legs bent in almost ninety-degree angles, trying to shoot the enemy with his bow and arrow but missing frequently. Valor tried to cry out but her mouth wouldn't move.

Her body thrusted back with a powerful wind force and she harshly banged the back of her head on a rock. Blood dripped down the stone and she collapsed on the dirt with debris filled smoke drifting in the air . 

It all went black. Visions flooded through Valor's head. 

Light. White wings. An obscure, golden staff. A crystal encased crescent moon. And fire...lots and LOTS of fire.

It went pitch black again.

More visions. A suit covered in blood. Black wings dripping in crackling orange flames. One single white glove. Black skies lit up with red clouds and masked in smoke. 

Wretched, agonizing wails and screeches almost made her ears bleed. The sight became blurry, then refocused crystal clear. 

Her chest pummeled back and forth heavily. Suddenly, a hand was brought on her heart and it stopped beating. 

"Your life will be bound to mine..." a soft melodic voice sang around her. Whispers pranced behind her and hushed growls purred next to her.  "I am waiting..." 

The world started to move again. Arrows flew from Artemis's bow, knocking down the drones. Tobi finally staggered to the ground, her head colliding on the trunk of a tree.

Valor opened her eyes slowly and everything was blank. Everything was...white...and if she was in a freshly painted room. She groaned and slowly got up, smoothing out her clothes. She put her hand on the right side of her forehead and it was completely fine. Not even a drop of blood. She rubbed her two fingers and thumb together in astonishment. 

"Hello, Valor," an older voice greeted, appearing behind her. Startled, she whirled around. A man with cropped, smooth, blonde hair and his eyes were shining like bright emeralds. His skin was smooth and Valor couldn't even find one flaw on him. He was tall, a little more than six feet though he looked young. He was... incredibly handsome. She backed away half confused and half anxious.

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