New character: John Cena!

426 17 22

Norton's room...

Mike: *looking in the mirror*

Mike: Ugh, why doesn't it look good? I thought white would look great with my light hair...

Mike: *adjusts his black bow tie*

Mike: I really hate this...

Norton: *comes up, behind Mike, and gives him a back hug*

Norton: Let's not be so negative on this grand day...

Norton: *kisses Mike's cheek*

Mike: *pouting*

Mike: Easy for you to say... You look amazing in your suit...

Norton: Yeah, black really suits me...

Mike: Emo...

Norton: Mhm, yep. I'm the emo and you can be my angel.

Mike: That's a bit cringey...

Norton: Sorry... But still, you're the woman in this relationship, so you have to wear white...

Mike: I have a pen-

Norton: Shh shh, it doesn't matter if you have a pair or not, you're still the woman.

Mike: *corners of his mouth literally falling down, off of his face, probs due to gravity, since he is so sad...*

Norton: Aww, c'mon, stop pouting. Your beautiful face will get stuck like that, you know?

Mike: Any other lies?

Norton: It's not a lie... When my friends were about to be exploded, in the cave, they had their mouths hanging open and their faces had expressions of pure terror... Then, they died due to my explosives... And their faces were actually still stuck like that...

Mike: They died, so I don't think they could have changed their facial expressions, even if they wanted to...

Norton: Guess you're right... But, anyway! Stop being so sad! We're getting married! And we're adopting a roadman after...

Mike: Oh yeah! Robbie!

Mike: *instantly happy again*

Norton: *releases Mike from the back hug and stands next to Mike to also look at himself in the mirror*

Mike: *holds Norton's hand*

Mike: You know... This suit doesn't look all that bad on me...

Norton: Obviously it doesn't. You look great in white. But... You'd look greater with no clothes- Ack-

Mike: *punches Norton's stomach, smiling*

Mike: Maybe to you, but I think I look the best in blue!

Norton: Yeah- Whatever you say- Erk-

Norton: *holds his stomach*

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