Finding out

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The next morning, Burke's room...

Emily: *wakes up, sitting in a chair next to Burke's bed*

Burke: Ah, doc, you're awake.

Emily: *rubs her eyes*

Emily: Mm, yeah... Sorry I couldn't wake up earlier than you...

Burke: No, no, don't worry. I'm fine.

Emily: I can't not worry... Bon Bon didn't return from his small walk... Luckily, I came to check up on you, last night, or you would be starving right now!

Burke: Speaking of Bon Bon, where did that child go?

Emily: I'm not sure, so maybe I should search for him...

Emma: *bursts in*

Emma: Emily! So you was here! I thought you disappeared...

Emily: Oh sweetie, why would I disappear? And where to?

Emma: I don't know... All I know is that something is wrong with my mind, so maybe you was just a figure of my imagination... Maybe I will wake up back at the hospital...

Emily: *sighs*

Emily: It was all for your own good, sweetheart... And I was the doctor operating on you, so I'm quite real.

Emma: Oh- Oh yeah! Haha, silly me~ How could I forget that you was the one helping me? Sorry, sorry~

Emma: *embarrassed, scratches the back of her head and laughs nervously*

Emily: Oh, since you're here already, do you mind grabbing a few things for me?

Emma: Of course! What do you need?

Emily: First, two portions of breakfast. And don't forget to eat breakfast, dear.

Emma: Yep! On it!

Emma: *dashes off*

Emily: What a girl...

Burke: She's a lively one. Must be nice being so young and carefree...

Emily: Alright, let's see how your body is coping...

Burke: Working, first thing in the morning?

Emily: With an incredibly sick patient, there's no time to spare.

Burke: So hardworking. That's a good quality to have.

Emily: Thank you. Could you lift your head for me?

Burke: Right. Heave ho!

Burke: *struggles to lift his head, but manages anyway*

Emily: *does a couple doctor things*

Emily: Okay, you can lie back down now.

Burke: *flops back down and relaxes*

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