Poor health

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The same day, Aesop's room...

Aesop: *sneezes*

Eli: Look at you... Poor child...

Aesop: Stop with the parental act already...

Eli: Right, sorry... Why don't you lay down while I go get some stuff for you?

Aesop: Ugh, fine... You've been bugging me to lay down since this morning, so I might as well...

Aesop: *lays on his bed, looking like he's preparing for his funeral*

Eli: Why are your arms crossed like that?

Aesop: Whatever do you mean? This is how I sleep...

Eli: Not natural, but okay... Let me check your temperature...

Eli: *lifts Aesop's fringe and places his forehead against Aesop's forehead*

Aesop: Wh- What are you doing?

Eli: Checking your temperature, like I said I would.

Aesop: With- With your forehead?! Not a thermometer or your hand or something?!

Eli: Maybe I just wanted to have a small intimate moment with you...

Eli: *blushing slightly*

Eli: Okay, you seem to be a little hotter than usual, so I'll go get a soaked cloth for your head. I'll be back in a jiffy!

Eli: *happily skips away*

Aesop: *closes his eyes and sighs, waiting for Eli, silently*

Eli: *returns, holding a bucket full of water, with a cloth dangling over the side*

Eli: My poor sick baby...

Aesop: Eli, stop.

Eli: Fine, fine. You're no fun...

Aesop: I don't intend to be, so thanks for reassuring me that it's working.

Eli: *sets the bucket down next to Aesop's bed, takes a chair and pulls it closer, and sits on it*

Eli: I don't know what you're talking about, so I'll just ignore that.

Eli: *takes the cloth, dips it into the water, pulls it out, squeezes it dry and places it on Aesop's forehead*

Eli: There you are~ You'll be cooled down in no time~

Aesop: Thanks...

Eli: No problem. Oh! One more thing!

Eli: *brings in a tray of food*

Eli: I also have some soup~ And bread, of course, because soup by itself isn't great...

Aesop: Soup is amazing by itself, what do you mean?

Eli: Eh, we all have our opinions, so I won't judge... You should just eat it. Is there a table anywhere in here?

Aesop: No, not really... I have a vanity, but that's about it...

Eli: And a bedside drawer... Hm, I'll just leave it on the bedside drawer, so eat it when you feel hungry.

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