Don't drop your ice lolly

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Real quick warning that this chapter is a bit sexual. Just a tad. Thanks, Luca~

Also, sorry Joseph x Aesop fans. 😅

The same day, a little later...

Andrew: *in the kitchen, cooking, while singing some weebish songs*

Andrew: X3, nuzzles, pounces on you~ Uwu, you so warm~

Luca: *walks in*

Luca: Heya, hot stuff, what you doing~?

Andrew: Ah- Luca- Uhh, I'm on cooking duty today, so I thought I'd make some of my Aesop's favourite dishes~

Luca: Your Aesop?

Andrew: Ah- I mean, my brother...

Luca: So you're into your older bro, huh~?

Andrew: No, that's not it! I love you and Victor way more!

Luca: We can always invite Aesop into our relationship. The more the merrier~ If you know what I mean~

Luca: *winks*

Andrew: *not looking at Luca, continuing to cook*

Andrew: I don't really know what you mean...

Luca: Oh, I think you do~

Luca: *goes behind Andrew and hugs him, his arms over Andrew's shoulders*

Andrew: Luca, I'm trying to cook...

Luca: What, you need to perfect the meal for your precious older brother or something? I'm jealous, baby~

Andrew: *shakes his head*

Andrew: He's my Onii Chan. My Onii Chan. My older brother. Not my boyfriend. Not my boyfriend.

Luca: You feeling okay?

Andrew: I wanna kiss him! Argh!

Luca: Who? Aesop?

Andrew: Yeah... But I can't. I shouldn't. He's my brother.

Luca: True. But Fan and Xie still go at it. Well, they used to.

Andrew: Did their relationship fail? Because they're brothers?

Luca: More like they died. You didn't hear? Fan, Xie and Bon Bon were found at the bottom of the river, in Moonlit.

Andrew: They were?! What happened?!

Luca: People are saying they committed suicide, but it doesn't seem likely. They had another chance at life and they just wanted to end it for some unknown reason. Sus, no?

Andrew: I guess... Oh no, the soup!

Andrew: *quickly turns down the fire and sighs in relief*

Andrew: If they didn't commit suicide, then was it an accident? Maybe Bon Bon fell over the railing and the Wu Chang brothers tried to help him? But it didn't end well...?

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