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The next morning, Joseph's room...

Aesop: *wakes up in Joseph's bed, his head in pain*

Aesop: Shouldn't have drank that much...

Aesop: *looks over at Joseph, who's still asleep, then crawls out of the bed and waddles to Hastur's room*

Aesop: Eliiii. You in there?

Eli: *opens the door, looking fresh*

Eli: Good morning! Do you need something?

Aesop: First... Please stop shouting...

Eli: Headache?

Aesop: A huge one...

Eli: You should have listened to Demi and drink some water... Come in, I'll get you a glass while you rest...

Eli: *opens the door wider, allowing Aesop in*

Eli: Welcome to the holiest place in this whole manor.

Aesop: Wow. It really does feel holy... Everything in here is so white and bright... Even Hastur looks holy...

Hastur: *just came out of the shower, so he's pretty bare, except for a towel wrapped around his waist*

Hastur: AHHHH!

Aesop: *quickly covers his ears*

Eli: Hastur, calm down! He's just here for now!

Hastur: The fact that he's in here at all is not okay!

Eli: He wasn't feeling well!

Hastur: Just get him out as soon as possible! Plus, he hasn't been purified!

Eli: Aesop hasn't sinned! That much...

Hastur: I'll go get the-

Eli: No, Hastur! You'll let Aesop stay for a while until I come back!

Hastur: Why?!

Eli: Just do it... For me~?

Hastur: Fine... Only because it's you...

Eli: Thank you~ I'll be right back.

Eli: *zips away*

Hastur: Why are you here?

Aesop: *lets go of his ears, to hold his head*

Aesop: I just wanted to talk to Eli for a bit, but now he's going full mum mode on me...

Hastur: That doesn't explain why you're IN here. You could have waited outside.

Aesop: I thought you would know this by now, but Eli is a huge softie and cares way too much. Did you think he was going to let me stay out there? I didn't wish to barge in and-

Hastur: Whatever. Just lay down on my bed...

Aesop: Ah- No- It's just a small headache... After a while, it will wear off, so I don't need to lie down...

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