How's Norton doing?

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In the manor's large kitchen...

Norton: *buttering a croissant with his epic buttering skills, while humming a tune, all cheerful*

Mini Photographer: *waddles in and climbs onto the counter, next to where Norton is buttering*

Norton: Good sir, your croissant is nearly finished. I hope it is up to your standards.

Mini Photographer: Only one? What a useless butler...

Norton: I apologise, sir, I'll make some more. But I cannot assure you that they will be at the same level of greatness. Buttering a croissant is an art form and requires lots of time and effort.

Mini Photographer: How long does it take? It doesn't have to be perfect, just butter it up like my French girls.

Norton: Young master, you have lovers already?

Mini Photographer: Of course I do. I'm THE Great Joseph Jr. Every girl falls for my amazing looks.

Norton: You think quite highly of yourself...

Mini Photographer: And you're not serving me my food fast enough. Move those fingers.

Norton: Yes, sir...

Norton: *continues preparing Joseph Jr's breakfast in silence*

Mini Photographer: *watches, also silent*

Norton: If I may ask... Who are your French girls?

Mini Photographer: JACK! GET IN HERE!

Norton: Jack?! The Ripper?! Like, the 20 something year old bald guy?!

Mini Ripper: *runs in*

Mini Ripper: Joseph, you called?

Mini Photographer: Yeah. My butler wanted to see you.

Mini Ripper: Oh... Why?

Mini Photographer: He wanted to see my French girl.

Norton: Baby Jack? He's a girl?! And he's French?!

Mini Ripper: Sooo cool! I want a butler! Ahh~ You're so lucky!

Mini Photographer: Heh, this is just one of the many privileges you can get for being so rich.

Mini Ripper: Aww, you're making me jealous...

Mini Photographer: Don't be. Come here.

Mini Ripper: *climbs up onto the counter and sits next to Joseph Jr*

Mini Photographer: *drapes his little arms around mini Jack's tiny shoulders*

Mini Photographer: Don't worry. Soon, you'll be my bride and he'll be your butler too.

Mini Ripper: Really?

Mini Photographer: Of course, my darling~

Mini Ripper: Wow... Yay!

Norton: I've finished with buttering the croissant. I can make more, if you wish to have more.

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