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Back at the manor...

Norton and Andrew: *walk in, to find Miss Nightingale making a speech to everyone*

Miss Nightingale: *turns around to look at Norton and Andrew*

Miss Nightingale: Ah, I was just talking about you two. Why don't you guys come in and hear the rest?

Andrew: Sorry for the intrusion...

Andrew: *walks in and joins the crowd, his head facing down*

Norton: *also sitting with everyone*

Norton: What's this about?

Miss Nightingale: Well, since lots of you have been leaving the manor grounds....

Miss Nightingale: *looks over at Aesop*

Aesop: *averts his eyes*

Miss Nightingale: And there were no problems, nor was there any cases of you lot having your real identities found out, I decided that I will let you be more free and you are able to leave the manor grounds.

Everyone: *cheering*

Miss Nightingale: But, in order for that to be the case, I need to run a few tests, so I will first have all of you, and I mean ALL of you, go to certain places for me. Is that alright?

Everyone: *agreeing, too excited*

Miss Nightingale: Good. First, please head to a mall or shopping district. Somewhere that is quite crowded, preferably. Then, go the beach, maybe when the sun is at the highest point, so that there are more people on the beach. If you are able to go through all of that with no issues, then all of you will be free.

Everyone: *hyped up*

Miss Nightingale: Please be on your best behaviour, everyone... Would it be possible for everyone to start the task tomorrow?

Everyone: *agrees*

Miss Nightingale: Okie doki! Thank you, everyone! You all are dismissed.

Miss Nightingale: *goes back to her office*

Everyone: *scatters off to do their own thing*

The next day...

Everyone: *travels to the nearest mall*

Helena: *walks into a shop which is filled with WWE merch*

Helena: Wrestling... Nice... Oh! If I get stronger, maybe I can put a stop to Aesop's and Joseph's relationship! I should start getting buff!

Helena: *gets buff out of nowhere*

Helena: Wow! Instant muscles! How did I even get these?

John Cena: *runs in with skinny and frail legs*

John Cena: Where did my muscles go?! I just deflated! First, someone takes my toilet and now, somebody stole my muscles!

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