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It's one of those nights, that I'm just looking through everything I have in this account, the things I've published, or upload. Or the pieces I haven't.

But you know what?

Fuck it, this is my way of just letting go, letting it all out.

I'm clicking upload on all the lives of things I have hidden.
If al the things I have been scared to feel, or admit.

I might regret this when I wake up, but as of right now, I'm just gonna upload all I have on this phone, I'm gonna let it all out.

I'm crying, and it's all pain that just is overwhelming me.

I've held it in too long, I've held all of this pain in me for so fucking long.

I just need it out, i want it gone.

Even if tonight it seems to break me diwn, or tear me part.

Tonight I learned, that I am whole. I am unbreakable.
That I can be dented, bruised, thrown away.
I can be not enough to some, but I should learn to always be enough for me.
That I can fucking stand tall, and say I made it here, and that I can keep going, even if I'm alone.

That I can pick what makes me who I am, and I can let something mold me, but add depth to what I am.

Fuck I'm whole.
I'm whole, i never was broken.

I have shed, i have lost the parts that weren't meant to be, but I have always been whole.

So tonight, I upload.
Tonight, I don't fear what tomorrow can bring.

I just want it all out.

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