第十一章 ; chef amorcito.

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» [chapter eleven] «0:00 ─〇───── 1:11⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻

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» [chapter eleven] «
0:00 ─〇───── 1:11
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YOUR EYES SLOWLY FLUTTERS TO OPEN AS THE WINDOW SHEERS LET OUT A MERE SUNLIGHT, you yawned and rubbed your eyes. And there is the realization that just have hit you hard on the head.

You were sleeping in one of Daisuke's huge bedrooms, the breeze from the window was warming your skin. And to add in, you were only wearing you underwear with an extremely oversized white shirt.

"Who the frick changed my clothes?!-"

And as you tried to get out from the bed you were currently on, you noticed a pair of strong arms was around your waist.

You were surprised. You tried to remove his grip from you but he just pulled you tighter against his chest with his face on the crook of your neck.

Your cheeks starting to heat up as you felt his steady breath on your exposed neck. The moment felt like heaven but it still felt like hell at the same time. Its complicated.

He was tugging you in his hug, and for some reason it felt so comfortable to you. "Stop it (Y/n). Get yourself out from there."

An idea ticked your head to just go with the basic pushing-him with your hands to get out from his tight grip. And it actually worked, but it only made him wake up too.

As you hopped off from the bed, you sighed in relief. What a great way to start the early mornings. Hint the sarcastic feels.

You looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only seven. Must be the earliest time you've woken up for. Well, you could have sleep more if you were just all alone laying on the bed.

"(Y/n).." a gentle voice spoke near. It was Daisuke, he pulled himself out from bed as he strokes his fingers on his messy, slick dark hair. You looked at him sternly.

He notices you and smiles. "That's called staring, amorcito." he says and you quickly looked away from realization. You denied at his shame idea, "In your dreams, millionare bastard." your cheeks puffed red.

You started streching your muscles as you processed everything that is happening in your mind. "So I ate dinner and slept for the rest of the night in this monster's house. Great, just great."

You were about to pull the doorknob ti'll the man that is still on the master bed spoke, "Make breakfast for me, amorcitooo.."

Giving him a look of disgust like the usual, you shaked your head and turned the doorknob. "What made you think I'll follow your orders, idiot? I'm leavin-"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄. DAISUKE KAMBEWhere stories live. Discover now