第17章 ; sick of his touch.

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✎ ᝰ┆ @tokkidino
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» [chapter seventeen] «0:00 ─〇───── 1:11⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻

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» [chapter seventeen] «
0:00 ─〇───── 1:11
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"I HAVE TO ADMIT AMORCTIO, YOU DO QUITE SNORE A LOT." the raven man says without hesitating at all, everyone heard what he just said. He really enjoys making you embarrassed.

You rolled your eyes and just ignored him. It was only five in the morning and you all just got off the jet plane a few minutes ago since it landed. You had no time to play around his silly and dirty games.

And you realized what a beautiful country- Hong Kong is, even its airport was so amazingly designed.

Someone pinched your cloth causing you to look who did it to you. It was your brother, Kato. You took a step backward and matched up your pace with his, "What?" you ask him.

He plainly grins at you, "You have eyebags, blockhead. Aren't you embarrased? Did you wake up at the middle of the night earlier?"

You were about smack his head out until you recalled waking up and seeing Daisuke, kissing you later. It was your first kiss. You suddenly felt like yout soul drain out as you thought about it.

Realization hit you when you noticed a hand waving infront of your face. You blinked a couple times before sighing. "He.. stole my first kiss."

"Are you okay?" Kato concernedly asks while simply staring at you with sympathy plastered all over his face. "(Y/n)?-"

You forced a smile at him while retrieving your thoughts. "I'm fine, don't worry. Just.. sleepy." you made an excuse.

He slowly nods and stayed quiet, seems like he didn't wanna bother you anymore. Kato really has two sides within himself, a caring one and a stupid one. The caring part rarely happens though.

Well, at least that's what you think.

After passing hours later, you all arrived in a fancy hotel- probably a five-star builiding again. There was two booked master bedrooms, and its making you irritated. Why not three bedrooms?

Your fingers fidgeted as you were just strolling you luggaged with you in the halls. Kato was at your back and Daisuke was at your front, it suddenly felt uncomfortable.

As you three reached the two gigantic bedrooms with your luggages with all of you. Kato opens a door and walks in while saying, "I'll take this room."

You twitched a forced faint smile as you sweatdropped while following your brother's back. "Y-Yeah, me too. I'll take this roo-"

But someone pulled you away from the door before it closed. A strong grip from your shoulder coming from- the millionare bastard.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄. DAISUKE KAMBEWhere stories live. Discover now