chapter ten (part four)

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It's been three weeks since I've been here. I've almost finished all the courses I need to graduate. I was homeschooled but I was two years further than kids my age.

Taehyung is graduating too. he told me that he had to leave school for a few years because he had to work to provide for his sick mom, now dead. We study together and when we're not, he's always working. He doesn't sleep more than four hours a day but is still energetic. He brings leftover food from the restaurant he does deliveries for and that's all we have. I'm always craving more but I don't complain. I'm burden enough and he doesn't have to do this. however, I think he knows this. sometimes he comes home with vegetables and healthy food, saying it's good for me and the baby.

My stomach is now bigger, only fitting in taehyung's worn out hoodies. I still haven't gone to get my things. I'm afraid of what he'll do.

He now sleeps beside me on the mattress, keeping as much as distance he can. But I'm not complaining. I feel safe with him and I'm kind of used to cuddling something when I sleep. So I cling to him hugging his arm against my chest to sleep. I did it with Yoongi too...

I wonder how he is? They called the wedding off...does he hate me now? But he said the baby is his himself...he also whispered in my ear to not say otherwise and let him take care of everything.

I have nightmares, mostly about that night and the things his friends did to me. Taehyung is a light sleeper and wakes up every time, patting my back until I fall asleep again. I'm quite attached to him, replacing what I had with Yoongi with him.

When he's out working, I clean around the room and the workshop, scrubbing the bathroom floor. I need to do something to keep my mind off Daehyun and feel better about staying here freely.


It's now two and a half months since I've been here. I can barely move and I'm due to give birth in three weeks. I ask taehyung to go pick up some of my things; I noticed him struggling with the rent of this place in the past weeks, and me going into labor isn't going to be free. I have my mom's jewelry. I could sell them and at least pay the hospital bills.

"Are you sure?"

I nod, mindlessly caressing my big baby bump under the white hoodie. He smiles at the action. "ok. We'll go tomorrow morning."

He then comes forward, putting his hand on my stomach. I've noticed the baby likes him. He always moves too much when he hears taehyung is near. Or it could all be my imagination. Or maybe I have a tiny crush on taehyung.

Stupid jimin.

The next day, I'm standing in front of that creepy house, taehyung beside me. "ok. I'm gonna come inside with you. don't be afraid. He won't touch you ok?"

Well, he was wrong.

Daehyun opens the door, taehyung quickly pushing past him and taking me with him. "where's your room?"

Daehyun is shouting while I shakily try to get everything in my suitcase. "he pays better than me? Fucking whore!"

He just keeps on saying things he always says and it's alright. But when we are trying to get out, taehyung busy with zipping up the suitcase, Daehyun hits him with a baseball bat from behind. It lands on his shoulder and he cries out, kneeling on the floor. I try to stay between them but he roughly pushes me down, making me fall on my stomach. My breath gets caught in my throat and he hits tae again, this time on the back of his head.

He's drunk and doesn't hit as hard as he wants to. I stand up again, and this time he punches me in my stomach. I fall back, almost blacking out.

I see, with blurry vision, tae getting over the hits and fighting him off. When he comes to sit beside me, calling out my name, I faint.


I open my eyes, hearing shouts. Everywhere is white and lights are blinding me. "what do you mean you can't operate now?!"

I'm in so much pain and it seems like the baby isn't moving much...

I panic and try to sit from where I'm laying down which isn't so comfortable, but a sharp pain goes through my body. I notice my pants are wet and gasp.

"please calm down. we can't take him to a ward where they are all women and need their privacy! He can stay here until we can operate on him. We had a chained car accident and the operation rooms are full right now."

I can now see clearly. I'm laying down on a bench in the hospital's waiting room and tae is standing beside me, arguing with a nurse.

"for fuck's sake! What if he doesn't make it?! are you gonna take responsibility? Fuck their privacy!"

I think I understand what's going on, though my stomach hurts and I can't even breathe to say anything. "the baby...isn't mov...moving..."

Tae turns around, his eyes red and a deep frown on his face. "don't worry baby. They're gonna take the baby out now."

I'm crying now. "please..."

The nurse looks away, too disturbed at the sight of me begging. "I'm gonna check again and come back to you. please wait."

Tae kneels down beside me and I take his hand, squeezing hard, crying non-stop and trying to breathe through the pain. "am I gonna die?"

His eyes are glossy too. "no baby. If you do I'm gonna have to kill everyone in this fucking hospital."

I try to laugh but the pain gets worse, my head dizzy. Cold sweat is covering my body and I think I'm going to faint again. "I don't...don't wan' my baby....dying."

Tears stream down his face and he kisses my forehead with my hair sticking to it. "both of you will be ok. Now relax. Just stay with me."

I'm scared, my short life flashing before my eyes. I regret many things and I regret not being there for my baby if I don't make it. "tae...tell them I...I only want baby." He shakes his head violently. "don't give me that shit. I'm building a crib for the baby and a bed for us. You haven't seen it have to see it."

I try to smile but the pain has carved lines on my face. "I wan' to...thank you...taetae..."

I'm unconscious again before hearing him cry out my name.


I always write my stories in a word file, writing ahead by at least 20 pages so that I can post regularly even if I don't write some days. I was writing a yoongi point of view chapter and I'm so sad :( 

we had a tiny earthquake here and it had many aftershocks. it happened in one in the morning so everyone's worried. I'm staying up to wake them up if something happens; although I always sleep when the sun comes up ever since the quarantine  started but anyway :))

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