1 | Back Again

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"Y/N, it's time for school! You're going to be late!" My mum shaking me to wake me up.

I hissed as she opened up the curtains and the morning sun ray was blazing through my windows, keeping my room warm and very bright.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at the selection of Harry Potter books that were on my bookcase, "If I still stayed back then, I would of been in my 4th year which is the Goblet of Fire." I chuckled as I rolled out of bed.

It's been 2 years since what happened, the experience that I could never forget. I wonder how Harry, Hermione and Ron are doing, before I left they promised to keep in touch but I guess Wizards and Muggles cannot keep in contact because we are from different universes.

"Honey... I understand that you keep talking about how you actually went to Hogwarts every single year but now it's time for you to wake up... Please honey, you had to go to the emergency because you were in concussion for a day."

"Y-yeah I know, but I actually did go. For a year. I've told you, do still not believe me?--"

She sighed, "Yes whatever, the doctors said that you weren't awake but your brain was conscious. I was so worried!"

"T-thanks for worrying about me but I was fine." I smiled, "I had the best time ever at Hogwarts-"

"Y/N, you're a high schooler now. You need to focus on your studies not fan girling over a fictional story. You just need to forget. Hurry up and get changed into your school uniform." she replied and left my room.

I sighed, to the people in the world I live in, think that I have gone insane. 2 years ago, as soon as I left to go to the Wizarding World apparently my 'muggle' body collapsed on school ground and the teachers had to take me to the hospital which I laid unconscious for a day but then a day later I was woken up again and realised I was back to my reality.

To my mum and everyone at my school, Hogwarts is still a fictional and fake. I even tried showing them that I had come out in the books but since they're not chosen to be part of the Wizarding World, they cannot see it except for people like me.

Some people say that I was 'shifting' however no, I wasn't. I don't even know how to shift, like I said before I was chosen to be apart of the Wizarding World as a muggle.

I went towards my closet and pulled out my school shirt, blazer and skirt when something from my blazer pocket had fell on the floor. It was an old parchment paper, I picked it up and carefully opened it.

Dear my dearest friend, Y/N

Hello, how have you been? It's Hermione.

I've tried sending messages to you over and over again but the Owl Postal Office kept rejecting it because I was sending it to a muggle, which is slightly forbidden. Fortunately, through the help of Mr Arthur Weasley - I somehow managed to get it sent through!

I hope this letter finds you well, Harry, Ron and I really miss you and we spoke to Professor Mcgonagall about it and she agreed to send us over to bring you back for another year or so (If your family allows it but we will just cover it up like what we did last time).

We'll be at your house on the 20th of August at 10:13 PM. Hopefully your parents are asleep by then because we have somewhere to take you!

We can't wait to see you and I hope you have a great rest of the day!


Hermione Granger

I smiled at my friends letter, I really missed them a lot. I have been quite anxious as I didn't hear back from them, for quite a while. But I felt relived to hear that they were doing well.

"20th of August - Wait isn't today 20th of August?" I questioned, looking at my calendar and sure enough it was.

Tonight, I will be seeing Hermione, Harry and Ron again!

I waited patiently walking in circles around my room, nervous but excited at the same time.

I formed a smile when I heard a familiar voice outside my window.

"Ronald! Stop stepping on my foot!"

"I'm sorry Hermione! I can't see because it's too dark!" Ron exclaimed.

"Shhh! You're going to wake her family up, Lumos!" A bright light appeared outside my window, I quickly opened my window, "Hey guys!" I whispered shouted as I quietly went out the window.

The trio turned to face me, all of them forming the brightest smile you could ever imagine.

"AHH! Y/N! I'm so happy to see you! I've miss you so much!" Hermione exclaimed, hugging me.

I chuckled, "I've miss you so much, Hermione!"

"Y/N!" Harry and Ron said, excitedly joining in with the hug. "Hi guys! How have you been?"

"Well, last year was pretty crazy! This serial killer name Sirius Black broke out of Azkaban and went to kill Harry but then turns out he wasn't trying to kill Harry but another person who turns out to be Ron's rat." Hermione explained.

I nodded, "W-wow! That's crazy well hopefully this year is going to be interesting..." I frowned, trying to remember what really happens in the fourth book.

Suddenly, my head was in pain. The pain felt like someone had taken a knife to my skull. It was throbbing. "Arghh!"

"W-what's wrong, Y/N?" Harry worried.

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut hoping for the pain to go away. "I-It's j-just uh, Th-there was something bad happening this year... But I-I can't remember." I sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"No! It's fine! Maybe you were just thinking about something else! I'm sure there's nothing going on this year, we will probably have a nice peaceful year since you're here!" Hermione reassured, putting her arm around my shoulder.

I nodded slowly, "Y-yeah probably something else..."

"Alright, let's go!" Ron exclaimed, happily.


first chapter done and dusted! i hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! i guarantee you there will be a lot of things in store for Y/N this year!

thank you so much for reading,


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