8 | Cheater

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Few days later...

"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions
selection!" Announced Professor Dumbledore, while everyone gathered around the Goblet Room, anticipating excitedly because of who's going to get picked.

Hermione, Ron, Harry and I all took a seat on the far right side of the room.

Dumbledore approached the blue flame as it crackled and glowed red. A burnt bit of parchment fluttered from the Goblet. As Dumbledore plucked it from the air, he lowered his eyes, squinting to read who it was.

"The Durmstrang champion is..." the crowd fell silent, waiting anxiously. "Viktor

I clapped as the crowd cheered loudly, especially the students from Durmstrang. Viktor Krum made his way down from his seat, towards Dumbledore shaking his hand and going fdown towards the chamber crowd cheer.

The Goblet flame turned red and soon another piece of parchment came out fluttering, "The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons girls cheered the loudest as Fleur walked up to him and is escorted down the chamber.

Now the last name, it was for the Hogwarts Champion.I wasn't really invested in this whole Triwizard Tournament; But I assume maybe Cedric will get chosen from Hogwarts because everyone said that he was going to get picked but I'm not quite sure.

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

"Just as I thought." Ron whispered, clapping very ineffectively.

"Don't worry Ron, you will once you're seventeen." I smiled, watching Cedric making his way up towards Dumbledore. As he passed our side, all the girls from the different houses all giggled and waved, admiring him.

Once Cedric left the hall and went down to the chambers, Ron leaned towards us and whispered, "All those girls only like Cedric for his looks, I tell you."

"And he's quite smart plus he's a Prefect." Hermione added.

"Like that's a good thing." Ron huffed, crossing his arm.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down
in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the Triwizard Cup!"

We all cheered and chatter starts to fill the room. But it dived down when the flame glowed red again and once more another bit of burnt parchment flew out, landing on Dumbledore's hand.

As soon as he read what was written on the paper, he looked like he've seen a ghost.

"Ha-harry Potter... Harry Potter?"

All the eyes turned towards our direction, shocked and I couldn't help but stare at Harry too. Harry himself looked shocked indeed, but he didn't move; sitting still.

"Harry Potter!"

Hermione sighed, budging him, "Go on Harry. Harry for goodness sake."

Harry stood up stiffly and slowly made his way past the different tables towards Professor Dumbledore and he took the piece of parchment from Dumbledore.

As he was walking down the aisle, the room become noisy and soon filled with protests and agruments.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even seventeen yet!"

"He can't be in the Trizwizard Tournament!"

I looked at Harry, who looked confused himself as he made his way down to the chamber.


"Do you really think Harry put his name in the Goblet." Ron asked, irritated.

We were in the common room, sitting on the couches by the fire after Harry has been announced to be a Triwizard Champion.

"I don't know, but if he did, he should know that it is against the rules." Hermione shook her head, reading her book.

"Obviously Hermione. I really wonder how he did it." Ron exasperated, subtly.

Hermione looked up from her book.

"Ron..." I started, "We know that you really wanted to be apart of it but--"

"Look, Ron. We don't know if Harry put his name in the Goblet or not. Why don't we just ask him when he comes?" Hermione suggested.

Ron avoided our eyes and looked down, "Y-yeah I guess so."

"Great. Problem solved." said Hermione, shutting her book and making her way up to the Girl's Dormitory.

She seemed annoyed at this whole situation. I don't know if the irritation is from Harry potentially 'cheating' or Ron just being upset.

But whatever it is, I didn't try to pursue her into asking what it is. I guess I'll just find out soon.

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