32 | Will It Be Okay?

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Y/N—It's been a few days after what had happened with Draco and I've been trying not to think about him that much

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It's been a few days after what had happened with Draco and I've been trying not to think about him that much. When I walked past him in the hallways, he would not acknowledge the existence of me which hurts me a little but I'm the one who had done this, so I need to cope with it.

Then for the 1st time in a few days, Draco came up to me while I was in the library, studying.

"Y/N." He said, I looked behind me and there he was. The blonde boy who I ended it with. He was wearing his school shirt that has been wrinkled up, with his Slytherin coat on top of it.

"Did you tell him?" He asked, I looked at the boy; wow, that's the first thing he asks?

I actually haven't told Cedric yet but I was planning to after I studied for a bit. Even if Cedric avoids the 3rd task that doesn't necessarily mean that the Dark Lord will go after me. Because after all, the Dark Lord is after Harry not Cedric. Harry is already aware of the dreams, I was having and he said that he will be fine. But I'll just have to tell him again to be more careful.

I shook my head, "No, I haven't."

He looked relieved and nodded, "Alright."

"But I am going to, Draco. Don't worry you won't die." I replied, packing up my stuff. I think I had enough studying for today.

Draco frowned, "You know it's not for my own sake Y/N! You know that!"

I didn't reply, avoiding his gaze. I heard him do a big exasperated sigh.

"You know what? Never mind."  He snapped and stormed out.

Once I was all alone again, I sniffed as I tried to hold my tears in.

Maybe I shouldn't have done it. But that's the only way to keep him safe; I can't get him hurt because of me.

I left the library and went towards the Hufflepuff common room, hoping to see Cedric on the way. Luckily, I saw him with a few of his friends. I seem to recognise some of them from when Cedric was asking me about the ball. I took my deep breath as I approached them.

"Hey Cedric. Mind if I talk to you?" I asked, smiling.

He looked surprised yet happy to see me, "Oh yeah yeah sure, Y/N."

"Privately." I added.

He nodded and I led him to the outside garden near their common room so there are usually Hufflepuff students who hang around here.

"So, what's up?"

I looked down, I didn't know how to tell him.

Cedric looked concerned, "You alright? What's wrong?"

"Cedric, I know the 3rd Task for the Triwizard Tournament is going to be soon...umm" I didn't know how to say it, "Can you not do it." I looked at him in hope.

A small smile formed around his mouth, he looked confused. "W-what? Why?"

So I told him. About everything, from the dreams to the diary. About what's going to happen on the night of the 3rd task. Cedric was a good listener; he nodded occasionally to show that he understood what I was saying.

"W-wow. So I could potentially lose m-my l-life the day after tomorrow?" He asked again, to be sure what he heard was correct.

I nodded slowly, "I'm sorry. Just please don't do it."

He gave a small nod, "Thanks for your concern but if we do anything about it now; you are going to be in danger. And I don't want that to happen to you.

I shook my head, "No-no please, it's alright. Just be careful, please."

He smiled, showing his dimples. "It's fine, as long as you're safe. Harry is aware of it so we will be careful so nothing bad will happen."

I smiled weakly, I don't know if this was the right choice. Although he seemed fine about this; I felt something bad was going to happen regardless.

"Okay, just stay safe Cedric and good luck for the third task."

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