25 | Asked Out

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The Yule Ball was going to happen in about a week and everyone is a talking about who they're going with and what they're going to wear. I didn't really care though, I'm just happy that I get to go to an actual wizarding ball party.

Hermione had already had a date to the dance, you are probably guessing it's Ron, but nope; it is the one and only Vikor Krum! I didn't even know that the 2 were going to ball together let alone even them liking each other. I found out about this when Ron had asked Hermione to the dance yesterday but in a very 'not so pleasant way' so it backfired, of course. So I guess Ron is bummed but he says he didn't want to go with Hermione anyways; he said he was joking.

Like yeah, you can totally lie Ronald.

I was heading towards my next class after lunch, I always like to go to Potions early since it is one of my favourite classes. The sun was shinning brightly, although the weather was still cold since we are literally in the midst of winter. I was happy since I have not seen the sun in a long time.

I making my way across the hallway when I bumped into Cedric who was with his senior friends. "Hey Y/N!" He smiled as his friends were gently hitting and teasing him at the same time. I don't know why they were acting like this but I just shrugged it off.

"Hi Cedric, how are you?" I asked him, smiling.

His yellow Hufflepuff scarf was wrapped around his neck and his cheeks were bright red, assuming its from the cold. "Good thanks and you?"

"Pretty well."

He nodded, "That's great—" Mary, who was standing next to him had pushed him and whispered, "Go on Cedric."

I raised my eyebrows, "What is it?" Then touched my face, "is there something on my face?"

He chuckled nervously, "No-no, it's just uh- I was wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball Dance? If not, you want to go with me? —As friends, of course."

What. No way. Cedric Diggory just asked me to the dance?!

My face started to grow red and a burst of happiness had exploded inside of me; "Uh- no I actually don't have a date—"

"Actually she does."

I was interrupted by the last person I expected to see, the cold Slytherin voice which belonged, the Slytherin King, Draco Malfoy.

"What?" Cedric responded rolling his eyes, "Do you seriously have to interrupt now?"

"No not really but this conversation sounded quite interesting, so—"

"So, it doesn't mean you can interrupt our conversation, Draco." I responded, annoyed that he came at the worst timing ever.


I gave him a glare and mouthed him to shoo off, Cedric cleared his throat.

"So uh- Y/N, you were going to say?" He asked, looking at me in the eye. His eyes were hazel but more s; brown light brown shaded eyes with gold tones that I could get lost in.

"Oh yeah, I would love—"

Again, he interrupted me, "She can't, Diggory." Draco replied, smirking at him.

"What do you mean, she can't?" Cedric asked, looking at him then turning towards me. I gave him a look that I don't know what Draco is talking about, Cedric's eyes showed honesty and sincerity while Draco's was filled with arrogance and boast.

Then the next thing, Draco did was something I did not expect. He put his arm around my shoulder and held me closely; close enough that I can feel his breath on me.

"She's going with me."

I looked at him, in shock. Then turned to Cedric, "N-no I'm not—"

"Yes you are."

"Wait I'm so confused are you or not, Y/N?" Mary asked, raising her eyebrows. She looked inpatient; I couldn't bear to annoy the Hufflepuff seniors, they are very kind but I guess my indecisive actions were starting to tick them off.

"I-um, I'm not—"

"Come on, Muppet. Don't lie."

I faced Draco, shooting him a glare, "Draco, can you and I talk please." I looked at Cedric, who looked so confused, "Sorry Cedric, could you excuse us for a minute please."

"Yeah sure, I'll be here."


I grabbed Draco and walked a bit; still in the hallway but far enough so that Cedric and his friends couldn't exactly hear what we were saying.

"What are you doing?!" I snapped at the blonde boy.

"Easy Moo." He chuckled, "I'm just saying, If you don't go with me then—"

"Then what!"

A small smile had been made around his mouth, "Then, I'll tell Cedric about what you wrote in the diary about him."

I knew that telling him was a bad idea. Now he's going to threaten me with it?!

"N-no, you ca-can't Draco. It's my secret! You know that!" I begged, looking at him in the eyes.

"Yeah, then you go with me. Not Mr Diggory." He smiled, smugly.

I frowned, "No...Ugh, but Ireally want to— ugh, okay...Fine!" I replied, annoyed. I can't believe I'm going with Draco because he is threatening me,

"Great. See you at the ball, partner." He chirped, giving me the most disgusting wink I've ever seen then walking down the hallway.

Thank you so much for 7K reads! I can't believe it's already at 7K!

Thank you!

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