17 | My Helper

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3rd Person View

"Now that's been sorted- Lucius... How is Draco going with the muggle? I haven't heard back about anything yet." asked the Dark Lord.

"My Lord, Draco had told me that-uh the girl isn't very interested in him so he cannot—" Lucius stammered, afraid that his son couldn't complete the mission arranged by the Dark Lord.

"Is it my problem, dear? There's a reason I have appointed Draco into this and he shall not fail me. The girl is one of the only ways that we can feed on information about Potter."

"Yes, my Lord. I will talk to Draco again." Lucius nodded.

Snape had cleared his throat, "I can try and find a way for the two to get closer, my Lord."

The Dark Lord looked up at Snape with a sly grin, "Is that so? Very well then, I will leave you to it, Severus."



"Here you go." Draco spoke bluntly, handing me the Potions Textbook.

I blinked at him in surprise, "You actually did them?" I asked, flipping through the pages.

He frowned at me, "Well yes. I even did the next two pages." He replied, flipping the pages harshly, revealing fully answered pages.

"Wow. Nice... So there wasn't anything you didn't understand?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "You seriously underestimate me, Muggle."

"No-I just-uh didn't know you were- never mind." I stuttered, I avoided his gaze but I could feel him staring down at me.

He snorted, "Yeah yeah alright. So now what do I need to do?"

For the last remaining time we have had in the library, I had helped Draco with his assignment; making sure his answers were logical.

Draco seemed to get the hang of it and he wasn't that dumb than I thought he was. Okay, maybe I'm being a bit rude but seriously I never thought that Draco would even care about this assignment.

"Okay, I think that's all you need to add and I think for what you have written so far, you will pass this assignment." I said, clearing up the desk.

"Alright, hopefully I pass- if I don't then it's your fault." He replied, stuffing the papers and books back into his bag.

"What-how?" I asked, as he as standing up ready to leave.

"You're my helper and helpers take responsibilities for the people they help." He smirked and before I could protest back he had already left where we were sitting and was making his way out of the library.

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