13 | Always Next Time

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"Your wand, your wits, your broom. That in essence, is what Moody's saying you'll need. Correct?" Hermione asked Harry, while stacking books on him.

"Right. I don't know why he couldn't just come and tell me." Harry mumbled, clutching the books closer to his chest.

We were in the library, the day before the first task, Hermione, Harry and I are on good terms now but Ron and Harry are still having a hard time.

"Yes, and you'll actually have to engage your brain. How inconsiderate of that." Hermione added, placing the last bit of books on the humongous pile.

Harry scowled, imitating her when she went ahead of us, I noticed that Ron was studying by himself on the far table, all alone. Harry noticed too but continued to ignore him.

"Do you mind?!" Hermione's voice snapped. Harry and I hurried over to see what the matter was, only to discover that it was a group of girls giggling and whispering while spying at someone.

Hermione pushed her way through first, making us do the same and not go around. I looked at the direction the girls were spying at, and immediately was surprised by what I saw.

"Viktor Krum? In the library?" Harry asked surprised. I shrugged, agreeing with him.

"He's always here." Hermione said, then turning her eyes towards the clique of girls, "which means they're always here. Really annoying."

We continued following Hermione down the aisle when Draco's voice became louder and louder as we walked by.

"I still cry when I think of Mum and Dad, says Potter. Mostly at night when I'm alone." He smirked from the other aisle.

"I never said that." Harry frowned.

"Right." I crouched, peeking through the gaps of the bookshelves with Harry, only to see that Draco and his Slytherin friends were crowded around the table reading the Daily Prophet while making fun of Harry.

"Fortunately, the troubled young champion..."

I adverted my eyes away and pulled Harry, "Let's go, just ignore him."

I looked back through the gaps and Draco looked our way making eye contact with me. I quickly shifted and hid behind the shelves that didn't have gaps to prevent him from seeing us spying on him.

Draco's voice rose up, becoming louder as if he wanted us to hear. "The trouble young champion has found comfort in the loving arms of classmate, Hermione Granger."

"I never said that either-" Harry looked up turning around and staring at something on the other side of the aisle. I took a glance to see that it was Cho Chang standing at the end, reading and looking at some books.

"She's very pretty, huh?"I admitted, no one in the school could compare to her long dark silky hair and the smile she gives to everyone that makes the boys jump.

Harry nodded, "Y-yeah she is."

I smiled, standing up properly. "Why don't you talk to her?" Harry looked at me like I was insane, he shook his head rapidly, "N-no no, m-maybe next time."

"Alright, but don't get so nervous because I think she is very fond of you, Harry."

"I don't know." Harry replied, looking back where Cho is, but he frowned.

"What?" I turned around and realised that Cho Chang had disappeared somewhere else.

"It's fine, you always have next time Harry."

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