21 | Honeydukes

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"Yes! Can't believe we're all together at Hogsmeade." Ron sung out in front of us, skipping next to Harry. The weather was chilly, I'm glad was I was wearing my coat because if I didn't; I would of been frozen dead right now.

"So how did it go with Draco?" Hermione asked, while kicking through the snow.

"Oh-uh, we decided to be on speaking terms again..."

She nodded, "Doesn't sound like him. I thought he hated us so why bother being friends with him?"

"Well he's probably changed...You know he's not that bad--"

"Alright...Maybe to you but not to me." she replied, I nodded while looking around. I noticed that there was a bright teal and pink store on the right which read, 'Honeydukes'

"Guys, I'm going to check out Honeydukes, I'm going to make to sure I stack up my trunk with candies!" I laughed, walking towards the store.

"Okay, we'll see you around!" Hermione shouted before I made my way inside.

As soon as I walked inside, the smell of sweet candy and lollies had filled my nose. The walls were painted teal green which gave a nice pop. Children were begging their parents for galleons so they can buy the candy.

I smiled, it reminded of the time when I was 7 and I was pleading my mum for sweets at my local grocery store back in Y/T (Your Town).

I looked around the store, observing each and everyone aisle. I needed to get Christmas gifts for Harry, Ron and Hermione and I think buying something from here is good enough.

After a while, my basket was filled with candies like  Acid Pops, Cauldron Cakes, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice Wands etc.

"So these are for Hermione and these for Harry and these are for Ron." I chirped, looking through my basket.

"You buying them gifts?" asked a voice behind, I knew it was Draco's.

"Ye-yeah uh- Christmas gifts..."

"I see...But none for me?" He pouted, picking up the Acid Pops from my basket. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well- you're not really-ugh...What do you want?" I asked, gesturing towards the store.

"You sure?" He smirked, toggling with the lollies on the shelves.

"Positive." I sighed.

"I could get the most expensive candy here."

"You know what, never mind!" I took the Acid Pops back into my basket and hurried towards the counter.

"Just these for today?" The lady asked behind the counter.

"Yes." I replied, taking out my wallet, ready to pay.

Suddenly, a box of Fizzing Whizzbees were placed on top of my candy. I looked up to see who it was.

"This will count as my Christmas gift." Draco replied.

I frowned at him, "Okay fine."

"Alright Miss, that would be 2 galleons please."

I handed her 2 galleons then thanked her. There was no sign of Draco when I left the store.

"Wow, not even a thank you?" I mumbled under my breath once  I was outside, the cold wind blew past me. The weather was indeed cold, maybe the jacket I brought wasn't thick enough.

I must of shown that I was very cold because next thing I know I got an advice from the last person I thought I would get advice from.

"You should of brought a scarf." Draco said, shaking his head.

"Says you, It's not like you have one." I rolled my eyes, brushing past him.

"Hey!" he yelled, "Where are you going?"

I turned around, "Going to meet Hermione."

"Why?" He frowned.

"Uh- Because she's my friend." I replied, looking at him.

I was about to turn around again, but he ran after me and grabbed my wrist.


"Do you want to grab a drink?" he asked, looking at me. "with me?"

"Like what?"

"Butterbeer? At Three Broomsticks?"

I've never tried Butterbeer but apparently everyone says it's very good. Especially when you have it in Winter because the hotness of the beverage warms up your body.

"I don't know." I sighed, "I'm supposed to meet Hermione and--"

"I though we were starting over," he said, still holding onto my wrist. "As friends, remember?"

He noticed that he was still holding onto my wrist so he let his hand go.

"Yeah I know but what about Pansy and your friends because I heard on the train--"

"Well if we see them there then great if not, it doesn't really matter." he replied, "So is it a yes or no?"

I took a glance at the ground, unsure of what to say. I didn't want to be mean and say no but I also wanted to spend today with Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"Okay...But you're paying since I bought your Christmas gift."


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