36 | Death or Consultation

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Y/N—"You do not want to talk, do you?"The deep raspy voice of Dark Lord scoffed as he sat in front me, the Death eaters were standing on the opposite sides of him

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"You do not want to talk, do you?"The deep raspy voice of Dark Lord scoffed as he sat in front me, the Death eaters were standing on the opposite sides of him. I was strapped in a different wooden seat facing the opposite of him. The seat was quite uncomfortable as the coolness of the wood surface passing onto my skin through the rips and cuts from my pants.

"Like I had said, we will release you once you have told us what we need to know."

I didn't give a reply to the Dark Lord, I don't have anything to say and even if I did not want to.

"Let me ask again, where is the diary?" He bellowed, which made me trembled a little.

In my dormitory, underneath my bed, hidden in a small box.

But I am not telling him that, damn it I should of just burned the diary. I avoided his gaze and looked down, hoping that this is all a bad dream.

"My Dark Lord, I think we should just kill her. She's just an useless muggle anyway." Bellatrix spat, grasping her wand. It looked like that she was so ready to pull out her wand and use the Killing Curse on me.

The Dark Lord shook his head slowly, "No-no, we will not kill her...Bring the boy, instead."

My heart dropped, I looked at the Dark Lord in despair.


It seems like I wasn't the only person who was worried, Lucius and Narcissa both looked anxious too. "But my Lord, D-Draco ha-has nothing to do wi-with that girl—"

"Quiet." The Dark Lord snapped, "Now bring him quickly."

I looked up and saw the poor blonde boy being dragged along and placed in another seat like mine, his blue eyes had locked with mine, his eyes were giving the signs of 'Don't tell him anything'. My lips trembled and I nodded slightly while adjusting my view back towards the Dark Lord.

"Now, let me ask again." The Dark Lord said, "Where is the diary hidden?"

This time I had to give an response, I shook my head. "I-I don't know."

Bellatrix scoffed at my comment, "Stop talking lies and spit it out!" She was furious and annoyed at me. I wouldn't be surprised if I will be killed by her not the Dark Lord tonight.

"Now calm down, Bellatrix. It's okay, she wants it the hard way."

What hard way?

Before I could think about anything else, someone had yelled "CRUCIO!"

The torture curse.

I turned my head as quickly as I could and saw that the victim was Draco. Draco was being tortured because of me, I can't let that happen!

The screams of pain that was coming from Draco filled the room. He was sweating all over, with his fists clenched.

"STOP!" I screamed, "STOP! PLEASE!" Tears were now dripping down my cheeks, my hands were trembling. I couldn't think straight.

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