26 | Yule Ball?

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I have also added, LOVER by Taylor Swift at the top so you can listen to it while reading:)
PS: The dress you are wearing is on the next slide:)

I have also added, LOVER by Taylor Swift at the top so you can listen to it while reading:)PS: The dress you are wearing is on the next slide:)

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Tonight, the Yule Ball is happening. I looked in the mirror, the reflection was showing a muggle, Y/N wearing the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. The dress was flowing down in shocks of violet and sparkles. The designs of the upper parts and the straps were made so that my pendant necklace was shown clearly around my neck. It was beautiful, I have always dreamt of wearing a stunning dress like this and thanks to Mrs Weasley; my dream had come true.

"Wow, you look gorgeous, Y/N!" Hermione gushed looking at me.

I chuckled, "Says you, Hermione!" I was in awe of how beautiful she was, her bright pink silky dress had really gave her eyes a pop while her nicely curled hair had loosely fallen down her shoulders.

She blushed, "Thanks." She beamed, "I can't believe I'm going with Viktor."

"I can't believe I'm going with Draco." I laughed nervously.

I mean; I've never thought that I would go to the Yule ball with Draco. But I guess sometimes, things go the way you don't expect them to go.

"You'll be fine, don't be so nervous. I don't know how you feel about him but... he definitely likes you, Y/N."

I rolled my eyes, "He does not."

"Yes he does. Why else would he like threaten you with your diary?"

"I don't know because he's Draco Malfoy?" I chuckled, I turned back to the mirror and smiled weakly, 'You got this, Y/N. Just don't make a fool of yourself.'

I made my way down to the Great Hall. Wow. The Hall were filled with bright red decorations and the roof were bewitched so it felt like that it is snowing inside. Food and drinks were arranged around the big table and students started to gather around and help themselves.

Hermione and I took a seat on one of the tables, waiting for our dates. All the girls were nicely dressed and were done up. Butterflies started to form around my stomach; I was nervous. After all, it was going to be my first dance party and I do not want to mess it up.

After a bit, Harry, Ron and Hermione all left to the dance floor to dance with their patterns. Harry and Ron took Parvati Patil and Padma Patil; they were sisters. I thought Harry would go with Cho Chang but when I saw her today she was with Cedric Diggory.

"Guess, Cedric asked out Cho..." I mumbled to myself.

One dance after the other, more and more students joined the dance floor. Draco still hasn't arrived, I wonder what is taking him so long.

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