27 | The Story Behind It

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3rd Person View—

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3rd Person View

"Draco, is going with the Muggle. This is a good chance for him to get to know her more better, My Lord." Lucius Malfoy had spoke.

The atmosphere was dark and gloomy, the Death Eaters were seated around the table in the Malfoy Manor.

"Is that right?" The Dark Lord's voice echoed across the hallways. "Did you think that I was going to say, 'He is making good progress' —NO! I need more information about her diary! Got any of that rather than just his Wizarding friendship life?"

Lucius looked down, "Not currently. Bu-but he's just a boy, My Lord. I will make sure, he comes back with more theories that are in the diary."

"He does not need to waste his time going to that stupid ball dance, instead he should be doing something else more useful during that time! Or coming here at least and telling me more clearly about the diary and the girl!"

"D-do you mean, he should be at the manor instead of the ball?"

"Did I not make myself clear, Lucius?"

"Yes, I completely understand, My Lord."

"I am tired of waiting! Barty is taking a while to find where we can infiltrate during the Triwizard Tournament so I don't need another useless being taking forever on my orders!"

"Y-yes, My Lord. I will talk to Draco and summon him here." Lucius bowed at him, looking as if he was strong but his heart was shaking in the inside. If his son didn't to the Dark Lord's orders as well as he likes it to be, then it is the end for Draco.

Draco's POV

"Oh come on, Blaise. She's not that bad." I replied, as I was putting on my tux. The Yule Ball was tonight and of course Blaise was trying to change my mind about taking Y/N to the ball. Every minute he's got spare, he's been trying to get me out of the whole idea of going with a muggle.

"She's a muggle! You hate muggles! I don't know know the heck you're taking one to the ball... and not Pansy!"

"Well I can't because you're taking her, Blaise." I joked at him, I went to grab the hair gel we had found in Goyle's suitcase. He was saving it for the Yule Ball.

"Hey- only use a little bit, my mother gave that to me, Draco!" Goyle exclaimed from the other side of the room.

"Whatever." I replied and squirted nearly the whole bottle of it on my hair.

Blaise mad his way over to where I was, "Wa-wait what? You're not going with Pansy because I'm taking her?!"

I smirked, "Well I've got another reason, Blaise. And you don't need to worry about it." I brushed through my hair, trying to make my hair stay in one place.

His expression changed, narrowing his eyes at me, "You're not going with her to get more information about the diary, right?"

I stopped my actions, was it going cause of that?

"Yes of course I am. Why else would I go with a muggle?"

Blaise smirked at my response, "I gotcha." I ignored him and continued to gel my hair, while adjusting my attire for tonight.

I was ready to go down and meet up with Y/N, when my father's voice had spoke behind me.

"Draco, come here."

I turned around and there was my father standing there, looking at me.

"F-father? What are you doing here?" My father glanced behind me at Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise gesturing them to leave.

They nodded and went down the stairs, He placed his hand on my shoulder, "Draco..."

His face was hard to read, I didn't know if he was angry or sad or worried. I looked at him in confusion, "Is there something you need father? Is mother alright?!"

"Yes yes. She is fine but the Dark Lord does not want you to go to the ball."

I frowned, "What?"

"He wants you to come visit him and talk to him in person about the girl and the diary."

"I don't know that much about it, Father. I am not going." I turned around to go downstairs.

"It's the Dark Lord's orders, Draco."

I stopped.

"I will know more about her if I go with her then we will become closer."

"Draco...That does not matter, a stupid dance won't change your relationship with each other." He answered, coldly. As if he didn't even care about how I felt.

I turned around to face him, "What if it does?! What if she changes her mind and opens up about everything after tonight? Then will you call it just a stupid dance?"

"Draco...If you don't obey the Dark Lord's orders, you don't know what he will do to you or the girl."

I huffed, "Fine."

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