29 | Light Of My Life

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Draco's POV—

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Draco's POV

I'm doomed. I've told her about how I feel. I watched her eyes widen at my comment.

"I don't know why but every time I see you, I get this weird feeling and I know that I can't have this feeling but I have no choice. It's you, who's making me feel like this." I said, avoiding eye contact with her. My heart was beating so fast as if it was going to explode. I've never felt this way before with a girl.

"Draco I—"

"It's fine, what was I thinking? Just forget what I had just said." I sighed and turned around to leave. I can't be with this girl for more than few minutes.

Before I knew it, her soft hand had grabbed mine as her voice called, "Draco wait."

I turned around to face her. Y/N's eyes were gleaming in the morning sunlight, her Y/H/C (You Hair Colour) hair were loosely down her shoulders, some of strands were covering her face.


She smiled nervously, "When you didn't come to ball, I was so sad because I wanted to go to the Ball. And now, I realised that excitement wasn't because it was the Yule Ball but it was I wanted to go with you and spend time with you."

What? Is she serious?

She took a deep breath and spat out these word that made my heart leap in the hair, "Draco, I like you too."


Few weeks later,

"I still can't believe that it's you and Y/N." Blaise smirked, stretching his on the couch, not giving me any room.

I pushed his legs away, "Why, do you have a problem?" I spat, if he was going to diss me, I was not in the mood.

He chuckled, "I mean I've got to admit, she is hot."

I frowned at his comment, hitting him. "Hey! Don't call her that." Blaise up his hands up in the air as if he was asking for surrender, "Yeah yeah! She's all yours."

"Obviously." I huffed as I laid back on the couch, closing my eyes and smiled. Y/N you are something special. You really know how to make a boy crazy.

I left my common room and went towards the small study room. I am supposed to meet Y/N to work on our DADA homework which for Y/N is a good time to be productive and hand in it before the due date tomorrow but for me was an excuse to spend time with her.

Once I arrived, Y/N was already there with all her stuff laid out on the table. The room was quite small but it was perfect for single study or up to 3 people max but it means they have to share the same table.

She looked up and gave me a warm smile, "Hey."

Gosh, that smile makes me feel so weird but in a good way.

"Hi." I replied as I kissed her on the head which made her blush, before taking a seat beside her.

"So I was thinking maybe you could fill in these pages and I'll do these so we can save time and we will be able to finish it before the deadline." she started, giving me the papers that she prepared, "If you have any questions—"

"I will ask you, Y/N." I finished, she nodded in agreement, smiling. For the next few moments, I hadn't started on my work. Instead, resting my elbow on the table, propping up my chin while watching her write down and doing whatever she is doing.

I couldn't take it anymore, I broke the silence. "Y/N, please let's do something else."

She chuckled, not looking at me instead continuing with her work. "No we can't, we have this due tomorrow."

"That can wait."

She rolled her eyes and was now looking at me, "No it can't. Draco, you realise this is homework is like 8% of our final DADA mark."

"Pffft, that's nothing. We can still pass even if we fail this assignment." I pointed out.

She frowned but she was smiling, "Draco, I'm not trying to just pass I really want to get at least in the top 3 for this class."

"You will easily get that, Muppet." I reassured her, Y/N was the most smartest girl I know and she is overthinking it too much.

"Thanks." A small smile formed around her mouth, my eyes were focused on her lips.

I leaned closer and closer towards her. "I can kiss you?" I asked, although it's been weeks we still haven't kissed. I leaned in more, so that the gap between will close but before it could actually seal, she quickly sighed, "No. We have to do this."

Her face had turned red and her hands cupped her cheeks trying to not show her redness.

I rolled my eyes, grinning at her cuteness, "Alright, fine."

She raised her eyebrows and handed me a pen. "You're not going to get anywhere with nothing to write with."

"Right, thanks." I replied, taking the pen from her. For the next few moments, the only thing I had done was a write 2 sentences where Y/N had written 2 whole pages. Don't even ask how she can concentrate when she is next to the most good looking guy in the school. Well trust me, I just couldn't concentrate because I was with her. Just Y/N being next to me makes me so happy and she's the light of my life.

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