35 | Taken Away

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My head was spinning, I blinked heavily. I felt my mind starting to wake up again.

"Draco, you can't have been in fond with that girl." A voice echoed , it was a male's voice.

I blinked multiple times trying to gather my conscious. Once my mind was clear, I looked around and noticed that I was strapped on a chair, (well with magic) in a room where it was dark.

"Father, you don't know me." The voice replied, I immediately knew it was Draco's. I glanced towards my right and noticed that Draco was strapped onto the chair next to mine.

I widen my eyes at him, No that can't be...

"Ah, there she wakes up." I looked up and noticed that it was Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy.

Draco's eyes moved towards mine, locking his eyes with me. "Hey." He smiled weakly. He looked tried and hurt, with dark eye bags underneath his eyes, his hair all messed up. By the looks of it he looked like he was experiencing the worst.

"Draco, please just listen to me. Tell the Dark Lord that you have no connection to that girl." Lucius whispered to him but loud enough so that I can hear.

Draco raised his eyes, annoyed "No father I can't—"

I cut him off, "Draco, just listen to him. I can't put you in danger."

Draco turned his head towards me, a bit taken aback. "What?"

He shook his head, "N-No no I can't do that, I'm not throwing you under the bus."

I gave him a weak smile, "I'll be fine, Draco..."

"N-no way, I'm not doing that. Never!—"

"Draco!" His father snapped, "Either she dies or you both die!"

"Is that even something you say as a father?! Save myself and kill others?! Is that what you want me to remember in the future?!" Draco yelled, he was furious as his face started to turn red in angry.

I couldn't watch this anymore, I can't make him anymore angry than he is right now. I can't put him in danger because of me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, "Dra-Draco don't worry please—"

I was interrupted by the same women who had captured me before, Bellatrix.

"Oh, you're awake." She glanced towards Lucius, "And you didn't care to tell me?"

Lucius began to open his mouth to reply but Bellatrix just shrugged him off, "Whatever, I don't care about your excuses."

She came towards where I was sitting down, I struggled to pull free but I couldn't. "Don't worry dear, you will end you dying anyway. Just how you die is the question." She said, smirking.

She pulled me up and I was bewitch to follow her footsteps only. I couldn't go anywhere else.

"No no no. Bella-Bellatrix please." Draco pleaded, tears forming in his eyes, "Take me instead!"

My heart broke as I saw Draco for the last time before heading out of the room. Our eyes connected for the last time, his eyes were full of sorrow and dreadfulness. I broke the eye contact after a while because I couldn't bear to watch the state Draco was in.

I have never seen him more dreadful and depressed than ever. It broke my heart into million pieces. I loved him but I couldn't because then now he will be in danger and that's the last thing I want him to be in.

I nodded carefully at him before I made my way out and walked down the long dark corridors of the unknown Manor. Waiting for the moment of my life, death or consultation.

Look Out For You | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now