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I have added Best Damn Thing by Alexander Stewart so you can listen to it while reading this!


It been many years since my visit to Hogwarts. I decided that I didn't want to go back, Professor McGonagall had told me that it isn't safe for me in the Wizarding World.

Here and now I miss my best friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione but they sometimes make a visit to my room at night when my mother is sleeping. We talk about different things and they keep me updated about the events happening at Hogwarts.

Turns out the dreams I had were real because around a year after that incident, a woman had taken over Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and Hermione didn't like her very much as she was very biased towards others.

They also said that Draco hasn't been coming to school in years, they had not seen him in ages. It used to tear my heart in pieces when we used to talk about Draco but now it's been so long, I feel much better.

But sometimes when before I fall asleep, when the neighbourhood is quiet, everyone is sleeping and when you can only hear the sounds of owls and night gush of wind. I remember all the wonderful times I had with Draco, his smile, his heart, his eyes, his hair, his personality. I miss him and would do anything to see him again.

But I can't.

I shrugged it off though because I need to live my life independently.


Right now, I am teaching my English class. I decided to become a teacher as I want to encourage students that anything in the world is possible. Anything you dream about will come true. I remember when I was exactly like these students, only caring about Harry Potter and ended up going to a magical place like that.

"Alright, Sarah. Would you want to read to the class about your poem?" I asked the girl, who is always so absorbed into her books. Sarah slowly put her book down and grabbed her paper, walked up the classroom then stood in front of her class.

I gave her a warm smile and whispered, "You'll be fine."

"Uh- my poem is about love."

"Love? What do you know about love?" Jason scoffed at her.

I shot a look to him, "Now Jason, please be respectful or else a letter will go to your parents."

He nodded and sank back into his seat. Sarah quickly opened her folded paper and started to read it aloud.

"Love is when you exchange the same positive thoughts with one another,
Love is showing a deep care of respect and care towards one another.
Love is the feeling of butterflies you get when you see the person.
Love is when you miss someone who you haven't seen in a while.
Love is looking out for each other.
Love is risking your life for them.
Love is telling them,
I love you."

I froze when I heard this. Tears started to form in my eyes, "Wo-wow, yes. Sarah, that is su-such a wonderful piece you wrote there!" I sniffed, rubbing my eyes.

"Miss, are you crying?" Jason asked.

I laughed, "N-no of course not! Something was in my eye! Now everyone please give Sarah a round of applause."

"Miss Y/N, I have a question." A voice called out.

"Yes yes." I looked up, "What is it—" My eyes widen when I saw who it was, the familiar mop of blonde hair caught my eye, it belonged to the boy who made my life so much better years ago, the boy who introduced what love was to me. He was sitting at the back of the classroom, the seats were too small for him. The image of him and I studying at Hogwarts flashed forward in front of my eyes.

Before I could say anything, he gave his usual smirk, "My question is, Do you love me?"

I opened my mouth to response, I was too in shock. "I-um" He stood up and started to walk towards the front of the classroom.

When he finally stood in front me. With his gaze on me, I was lost in his blue eyes. "I asked, do you still love me, Miss L/N?"

I couldn't think properly, I nodded. I held out my hand toward his face, "I-Is this re-really you—"

He cut me off and crashed his lips onto mine, my body tensed up, electricity building up in my body. In the background, the students were screaming in joy and interest with "ooooo" and "OmG!"

I completely forgot I was in a classroom.

I pulled away immediately, "S-sorry, um- I'm in a middle of teaching—"

He put his finger on my lips,  "I've missed you, Muppet." He whispered.

I nodded slowly, with tears forming in my eyes. "Me too." I whispered back.

He cupped my cheeks and leaned in, giving me another kiss. This time my body loosened up, I put my arm around his neck and got lost in the moment. Once we pulled away, I chuckled, "I can't... we're literally kissing in front my class."

"Well, I thought you were teaching them about love." He smirked, then grabbed my hand. He turned towards the class, "Kids, this is what you call love. And nice poem Sarah."

"So you do love him, Miss L/N." Jason giggled.

I rolled my eyes and then looked at Draco, the love of my life. "I love him more than anything..."

YAYYYY! This is the end!! Thank you so much guys!!!

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