34 | He Is Back

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guys i cried when this happened :((

Y/N—Everything was frantic, students were screaming, fire was everywhere burning everything

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Everything was frantic, students were screaming, fire was everywhere burning everything. Although, everyone around me was running for their lives, I didn't move; I couldn't concentrate on my surroundings because I was too shocked on what had just happened. This must be a dream, this cannot be happening.

I could hear Hermione shaking me, "Y/N! Please focus! We need to leave now!"

I didn't budge, I adverted my eyes towards the front of the maze where Cedric's body was lying in between the Death Eaters who were casting other spells on others while setting things on fire.

Tears rolled down my face, as Hermione kept on shaking me to listen to her. Then suddenly a familiar pair of blue eyes came into my view, it was his. Draco's.

"Y/N! Focus!" He shouted, which made me come back. I blinked trying to comprehend what was happening, I looked around and sure enough everyone was running away and screaming.

"Y/N! God damn it! You need to leave now!" He yelled at me, cupping my cheeks. Trying to get me to focus.

I nodded slowly, "Ye-yeah."

"I'll leave Y/N to you, Draco. I trust you. I'll have to help Harry and the others!" Hermione replied as she went towards where the professor where at the front of the maze trying to defend the school.

Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and pulled as out of this place instantly. He was holding me so firmly that it started to hurt, "Ow Draco. Slow down." I begged, trying to squirm out of it.

"No, I can't." He responded, unemotionally. He lead me to the same storage room we had our fight last week. "Where's your diary?" He asked as was quickly adjusting the boxes and equipment to make enough room for me to hide.

I looked at him, "W-why?"

"Because, I want to know where it is. They're after your diary so please stop complaining and tell me where the hell the your diary is."

"It's in my dormitory, underneath my bed, hidden in a small box."

"Alright that'll be fine, now go in there, hopefully you won't be seen." He gestured towards the space he made. I nodded then stopped, turning to him, "Where are you going to go?"

"I will be fine, don't worry about me." He responded while pushing me quickly, I resisted "But—"

"Y/N! I had lost you once and I'm not losing you again! So listen and do what I say!" He commanded, while touching his head.

I nodded and crunched under the storage shelf, he watched him as he started to move the boxes back in place so I will be hidden. Everything was dark and I could see anything but I heard his voice whisper, "Stay safe, Y/N. I will come back and get you." Then the door got shut.

"Stay safe, Draco." I whispered back.

It was been about an hour since I was hidden in the storage room, I had heard several footsteps but none didn't come close to the storage room. I used my wand and whispered, "Lumos." So that there a bit of light.

There was absolutely silences for couple more minutes, when suddenly I heard the doors fly open. I got out my wand to prepare for defence just in case. My body tensed up as I felt figure started to come closer and closer towards where I was. But I immediately relaxed when I heard Draco's voice, "Y/N, you're just still there?"

"Yes." I replied in a quite voice, hoping that no one can hear us.

"Okay good, Y/N I need you to come with me—"

He was cut off with a high pitch, cheeky voice. "Draco? Is that you, my dear?"

"Uh- yeah." He responded and immediately left the room, closing the door.

It was dark again so I could only hear the voices of Draco and the unknown female voice, "What were you doing in there?" She asked.

"Oh yeah nothing, Bellatrix."

Bellatrix Lestrang. Notoriously known as a female Death Eater.

"Hmm— Really?! So you won't mind if I take a look?" Her cold voice chirped, soon I heard the doors of the storage room open and footsteps wondering around.

"Hmm, where will she be?"

I held my breath so that I won't make any noise, just as I thought see was going to leave. She pushed the boxes away and I was face to face with her dark gloomy eyes.

"Found ya." She smirked and before I could do anything. She yelled an unknown spell at me then unconsciously my mind went blank and everything blacked out.

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