18 | Bad Feeling

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"Okay, so I heard from Neville that you had to go to Professor Snape's a few days ago... What was that about?" Harry asked as we were all at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall eating dinner.

I chuckled nervously, "Oh-uh nothing much. It was just him asking if I could help out a student on the assignment. Nothing much..."

Harry raised his eyebrow, "Nothing as in, the guy happens to be Draco. Draco Malfoy."

Ron's eyes grew big as he was eating the chicken drumstick, "No way! How can you cope with him, Y/N?"

"He-uh not that bad, I guess. How did you even know, Harry?" I asked, picking my salad.

"We saw you at the library, sitting together and talking; the boys wanted to go over to you but I told them not to." Hermione explained.

"Oh right..." I looked at the golden trio and they all had pity in their eyes. "Guys...I'm doing fine, I just need Draco to pass then we will get 20 house points."

"And a higher grade." Hermione added.

"B-but it's still Malfoy. We don't know what he's up to." Ron started.

"Ron... I'm fine! Guys, he's really not that bad." I chuckled.

They all raised their eyes brows, not believing a single word I just said.

"O-okay well, sometimes he's not that bad... I guess." I trailed away, "So Harry hows the golden egg mystery going?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I'm still trying to figure it out. After what had happened in the common room. To be honest with you, I'm quite afraid."

"Yeah I agree. Bloody hell, that screech nearly made my ears bleed." Ron added.

"Well, you still have months until the second task so take your time. I'm positive you'll get it soon." I smiled at Harry.

"Thanks Y/N."



I was in a dark graveyard, with crows flying around watching me as I was walking along the midst of the graves. Looking around, I was terrified of this atmosphere. No one was here except for me but then far away I saw flashes of green and red light colliding together.

I scurried over and hid behind the big stone carved statue of some wizard. All I saw was this tall figure with a black coat but his bare pale head very noticeable even in the dark with the green flashes of light coming out from his wand and the red light that was crashing with the green was coming out from a young tiny boy compared to the figure.

I squinted to see who it was; round glasses, messy hair, blood dripping from his arm and he had a lighting scar on his forehead...

"HARRY!" I yelled, bolting up from my bed. Sweat was dripping down my forehead, my heart was pounding quicker and quicker each second.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" A voice asked, it was Hermione. I looked around and here I was back in my dormitory. A sigh of relief escape from my mouth.

"Ye-yeah. Bad dream..." I replied as I slowly crawled out of bed.

"What was it about? I heard you say Harry multiple times..." Hermione questioned, giving me a cold cloth to put on my face.

"Thanks." I said, placing the cloth on my forehead and immediately the hotness decreased. "It's-just uh... the dream- felt so real."

"Right. What was it about?"

"You know, when I told-uh told you that there was something bad that was going to happen but I wasn't quite sure of what it was..."

Hermione nodded, "Yeah, I remember."

"Yeah...Well- what if the dreams I'm having are like signs...Like what if I'm seeing—"

"So you think you're seeing the future?"

I nodded, "Ye-yes. I knew there was something wrong in my dream. There was a tall dark figure duelling with a boy and I'm pretty sure the boy was Harry."

Hermione's face looked like as if she's seen a ghost, "You don't think the tall figure is the Dark Lord..."

I shrugged, "I don't know but I can't seem to remember that much now. I'm going to write this down, what I'm dreaming about might not be true but it's better than nothing." I said, going over to my trunk and pulling out a spare leather coated journal.

"So you're going to have a dream journal?"

I smiled, "Yeah. I guess so. You believe me right?"

Hermione looked unsure, "Well-uh I don't really know. But the fact like your dream was different from any other dreams anyone could ever have... There could be a possibility. Your dreams are similar to Harry's..."

"I don't know if this is true but I've got a bad feeling about this Triwizard Tournament..."

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