4 | Train Rides

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I can't believe I am at King Cross Station ready to go back to Hogwarts. 4th year, new memories and new experiences.

My phone suddenly rang, it was my mum.

"Hey mum." I said, chucking my phone between my shoulder and ears so I have hands to push my trolley.

"Y/N!! Please! STOP THIS MADNESS!" Her voice shouted through the speakers, making my ears hurt.

I chuckled, "W-what, what are you talking about-"

"Y/N... Please don't repeat the same old nonsense again! I'm telling you that Hogwarts is just a fictional place written by JK Rowling!"

"Mum...I swear  this.is.real. Maybe to myself  I'll be gone for a year but in your world,  I'll be gone for like only a day just like last time so mum don't worry! I'll be fine..."

"Y/N! I don't want you to collapse on King's Cross Station again! Please stop dreaming and COME BACK HOME!"

"I'll be fine, mum. Please it's my dream!" I reassured.


"Bye, love you!" And I hung up and placed my phone in my pocket. "Phew, now that's out the way. I can now enjoy my time at Hogwarts. But I don't know if this year is going to be-"

I felt the familiar zap of pain, I've experienced when I met Harry for the first time but the pain disappeared within moments.

I grabbed my head in frustration, "Why does my head keep hurting."

I slowly pushed my trolley and scurried over to where Hermione, Harry and Ron were at Platform 9¾, "There you are! We thought you weren't coming!" Ron exclaimed, relieved.

I smiled weakly, "Of course I am! I wouldn't miss an amazing opportunity like this."

Ron's smile faded, "You're alright Y/N?"

I nodded, "Y-yeah, i-it's just my-uh, I had an headache. But I'm fine now." I chuckled, zipping put my jacket as the weather was getting colder.

"Alright... But Y/N, if you feel unwell tell us." Hermione answered, giving me the sympathy eye.

I nodded, "I'm just going to the bathroom before, just going to splash my face with cold water."

"I'll come with you." Hermione replied.

"No, it's fine Hermione. Thanks...You guys go ahead." I gestured and the three of them nodded and stood in the line to enter the train.

"Okay, but be quick!" Harry responded.

"Yeah, I will."


I arrived on the train few minutes later, and hurried down the hallway so I could find my compartment.

I went further down the hallway, I assume Harry,Ron and Hermione were literally in the last compartment on the train.

"Hey Mudblood!" called a familiar cold and bitter voice. I turned to my left and saw that it was Malfoy's and his cronies compartment.

I ignored him and turned to leave but before I went, he called again "Ay muggle!"

I shot him a glare, "What do you want, Malfoy."

"Woah, woah! Nice there, Mucky Moo." I could see now that all of his friends, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were laughing.

"Oh my god Mucky Moo! Nice one Draco!" Pansy chuckled, giving him a high five.

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