9 | Pathetic Muggle

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It's been a few days after the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. Ron and Harry hasn't really been on speaking terms after they had a 'little' fight in their dormitory. I made my way down to the courtyard to finish off my Potions Assignment that is due next week.

Since the weather was nice and sunny, I decided that it would be much better to study outside than the in the library. I plotted myself down and started working after a few moments later, I heard rustlings in the bushes nearby. I paused and hand instinctively went towards my wand that was next to my pencil case. I grabbed my wand and blotted around, at first I didn't see anything.

"Wh-who's there?" I yelled, pointing my wand towards the bushes. I looked around the courtyard, it wasn't that crowded except for a few senior students on the other side underneath the tree.

The bush shook more so I stood up and approached the bush, my heart quite pounding quickly.

"Relax! It's just me!" a voice replied within the bushes. I stopped and still had my wand prepared just incase.

"Who- who are you?"

Suddenly, a figure popped out from the bushes.


"Relax!"said the figure with platinum hair holding up his hands.

My tensed shoulders relaxed as I noticed the familiar blond mop of hair belonged to the one and only conceited Draco.

I frowned, still pointing the wand at him. "I swear Draco-"

"What?" he snapped, taking out a twig that was stuck in the hair.

I rolled my eyes, "What are you doing in there?"

His hand moved towards my wand and lowered it slightly, "Ma-maybe just lower your wand."

"Oh right." I replied, stuffing my wand back into my coat pocket. "Now, back to the conversation, what were doing in there?"

He avoided my question and made his way out of the bushes, "That's none of your business, Muppet."

I crossed my arms, frowning. "Okay so what am I? Mudblood, Mucky Moo or  Muppet?"

He formed the most slyest smile you could ever imagine, "You're all 3."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I really don't care." I narrowed my eyes, staring at his icy cold eyes. "Were you spying on me?"


I pointed towards the bushes, "Then what were you doing in the bushes?"

"I've already told you, that's none of your business."

"Okay sure." I said packing up my stuff ready to leave because I was done with this conversation.

I turned to leave but he quickly answered, "Fine! I was watching everyone and you happened to be in the picture."

I faced him, "Sounds like relief that you weren't specifically watching me because that is what creeps do. I guess you're a creep, huh?"

His eyes flickered as he took a seat, crossing his legs. "Ouch. Mucky Moo knows how to hurt a man." he chuckled.

I scoffed at his comment, "Don't you mean a toddler?"

His face turned serious, "You know what?" He scoffed, standing up. "Ugh- whatever!"

"What?-" I asked confused, he looked very annoyed but I was glad that I made him slightly exasperated since he was annoying me since day one.

"Ugh! I seriously can't believe I'm talking to a Mudblood! No- actually you're just a pathetic, filthy Muggle!"

That one hurt.

"W-what?" I croaked.

"You heard me, you're just pathetic and filthy just like your non wizard parents." he sneered.

He did not.

I had a large lump in my throat, I took deep breath in, trying to hold back my tears.

"Y-you did not j-just say that Draco..."

His cold face glared at me, amused too. He slowly came closer to me, "What if I did?"

I plastered a smile at him, trying to stay brave and strong, "S-sure fine. I already know that." Then my voice gradually grew quiet, "No need to remind me."

His smirk faded and his face dropped, "A-are you cr-crying?"

I shook my head, grabbed my things and turned around, ready to head back towards my dormitory.


"Just stop!" I yelled, turning around not giving him a chance to speak to me again. Without taking another glance at him, I stormed out of the courtyard, leaving him behind.

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