28 | I Like You Too

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I have added falling by harry styles at the top so you can listen to it when you are reading this chapter!

A/NI have added falling by harry styles at the top so you can listen to it when you are reading this chapter!

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"So have you finished your homework for DADA?" Hermione asked while we were making our way to Defence Against Dark Arts Class.

I nodded, "Yeah, it was pretty easy. I mean Professor Moody was being nice with handing our homework to us since everyone had their attention towards the Yule Ball."

"Right, yeah."

"So I heard that you were so upset about what happened with Draco at the ball, Y/N." Someone said, I turned around to face Pansy, smirking while crossing her arms.

Before I could reply, Hermione stepped forward and defended me. "Actually she wasn't that upset but thank you for your concern."

Pansy's eyes adverted from Hermione's to mine.  "You sure? I mean I would be devastated if my date stood me up to hang out with another girl."


Pansy's eyes grew wide, putting her hand over her mouth as if she wasn't supposed to say that. "Oh my god. You didn't know? He asked me to ditch the ball so we can hang out together." The girls behind her were giggling at what Pansy was saying.

I didn't even find any of this funny only to make my anger towards Draco more larger. I faked smiled, trying to hold down my emotions from exposing. I didn't want to show Pansy that I was weak and especially not when I'm about to go to class.

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't know." My voice weakened, Hermione grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to class.

"Just ignore her, she is just as bad as Draco." She muttered under her breath.

I smiled weakly but immediately it had faded when I saw who was waiting outside the classroom. He was leaning against the wall, looking at me but I just ignored him.

"Y/N, can we talk?" He asked when we have reached the front of the classroom door. His voice was quite and weak as if he was tired.

"I don't have anything to talk about, Draco." I snapped, "Now excuse me, I have to go to class."

He stood in front of the door, blocking our way. Hermione rolled her eyes, "Move Draco."

He smirked, "Not until your friend will give me a chance to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you, Draco. Now please move out of the way." I scowled at him.

"No, you heard me. Not until you give me a chance—"

"You always have to do everything your way." I replied, glaring at him.

"So is that a yes or no?" He asked as if I wasn't clear enough.

Hermione turned around, waiting for my response. "Just go and see what sort of excuses he has to make up." I looked at Hermione then the blonde boy.

I sighed heavily before making my choice, "Fine, but make it quick, Or else we're both going to be late for class."

He nodded, moving away then gesturing Hermione to enter the class. "I'll see you in class soon, Y/N." She waved.


"What it is?" I asked, crossing my arms. We were in the small group study room that is at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily, no one here so we had privacy to talk about whatever Draco wanted to talk about.

He brushed through his platinum hair, "Look, I know you're mad at me. But I told you I—"

I looked at him in disgust, frowning. "Yeah. 5 hours after the ball."

"Actually around 3 hours." He corrected.

"Regardless!" I snapped, throwing my hands up. Does he need to do this now?

"Look, my father came to take me to a meeting that I had to attend." The boy sighed.

I furrowed my brows, "Yeah ditching the Yule Ball with Pansy?"

Draco's expression changed, I thought that he would look embarrassed because I had managed to find out about it without him having to tell me. Instead, he looked confused.

"What?" He shook his head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Then why would Pansy tell me that you guys went together?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He crinkled his nose, "Because she's Pansy! You actually believe her?!" The boy asked in disbelief.

"Well-I yes! Be-because I don't think she would make up something like th-that." I stuttered, looking down. Maybe Pansy was lying, but why would she do that?

Draco chuckled, "Well she does."

I looked up at his eyes, "Then why can't you tell me, why you stood me up?"

His eyes changed, brushing through his hair for the second time, "I told you, I had a meeting—"

"With who?" I repeated pressing my lips together. I knew he wouldn't tell me but why not try one last time.

There was no response.

I scoffed, nodding. "Then why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're interested in me then you just don't even care about me." I croaked as my eyes started to water.

"Y/N, you know that I'm not like that." He replied calmly, coming closer towards me but I backed away.

"Honestly, I-I don't kn-know anymore. Som-something is going on and I don't know what it is but I have to—"

He cut me off, "It's because Y/N, I need to look out for you alright?" He raised his voice, looking at me intensely in the eye. With his blue cold eyes staring directly at me, I don't know why but it made me feel so weak and vulnerable.

For a second, I was too focused in his eyes that I didn't realise what he had said, "What? I never asked to you look out for me."

"I know! But I had to because—no I wanted to! And I really wanted to go with you! But I couldn't and I'm sorry for that. When I see you I feel so..." His voice grew smaller, so I couldn't quite hear what he was saying.

"What?" I asked, "I can't hear you, speak louder."

"Damnit, I like you Y/N."

My eyes widen, Hearing those words coming from Draco was the last thing that i expected.

"I don't know why but every time I see you, I get this weird feeling and I know that I can't have this feeling but I have no choice. It's you, who's making me feel like this." He replied, avoiding eye contact with me.

I looked at the boy, the Draco I knew was always sly, confident and knew what he was after but the boy I was facing right now was the opposite.

"Draco I—"

"It's fine, what was I thinking? Just forget what I had just said." He sighed and went towards the door to leave.

I grabbed his hand before he can leave, "Draco wait." He turned slowly around, "When you didn't come to ball, I was so sad because I was so excited to go. And now, I realised that excitement wasn't because it was the Yule Ball but it was I wanted to go with you and spend time with you." I explained, my heart was beating was fast.

I knew that I felt a bit weird around Draco before but I didn't know what it was but now I know. It was because I liked him.

I took a deep breath and spat out these word, "Draco, I like you too."

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