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Min Ho threw his car keys on his couch, and laid on his bed.

He has done nothing except to wait for her at the conference room earlier, but he felt so tired.

'Thinking can really exhaust someone.'

He sat up and leaned on his headboard, and start thinking again of what he shall do to convince her to do that drama.

'Does she hate me that much?' Min Ho asked himself repeatedly when suddenly, the other love of his life sat on his lap.

"Baby, have I been that bad to her? She backed out from our drama. And now, the whole prod team is depending on me. I need to do something. But how can I convince her? You know how hard-headed she could be. I'm really going crazy!"

He ruffled his hair out of frustration.

"Woof woof", his dog, Choco, answered him.

"Baby, what shall I do? I need to convince her to do it with me."

Choco jumped out from his bed and headed towards the far left of his room where he hangs his frames.

"Woof woof", Choco wagged his tail excitedly and looked at him, then back at the wall.

"You are really brilliant, my baby! How could I have forgotten about those?", Min Ho stood up and went straight to where his frames were hung.

'10 Things I Hate About You', that was what was written at the top corner of the first framed letter.

"Baby, remember when I told you about what these were? These were given to me by her, your mom. I hope you could meet her soon. I'm sure you'd love her."

Min Ho scanned the first frame. He reads what was written, as if he hasn't memorized by heart what's been written there.

July 11, 2003

I've decided I'll keep writing notes about that guy who keeps on ruining my every day.

Hey, Mr. blue shirt! I'll just pretend that you'll be reading this, that is why I am talking to you directly.

I hate you so much for ruining my life. I will be writing all my frustrations down here to ease up the hatred I feel towards you.

I am afraid if I don't, I might just plot horrible things to you like trip you over each time you pass by our room.

But I can't do that, of course, since you are my senior by three years. I will surely end up in the disciplinary room with the grumpy, old counselor if I do that.

Plus, you tower over me. So tripping you will be impossible, right?

Maybe, you are confused now as to why I have this growing hate towards you.

Okay. Let me inform you.

1. I hate you because you are you, the mighty Lee Min Ho who thinks he can just do anything to anyone whenever he wanted to.

It happened last May. I was at the mall where I was going to meet my long-time crush, my best friend, Chang Wook.

You know him, right? Of course. You were classmates and friends for the longest time.

I prepared for that moment cause I haven't seen him all vacation.

I was too happy when I caught sight of him at the food court's table, even if when he was with you and your friends, he was glowing in my eyes.

I was walking up to him, but remember what you did?

You, Min Ho the brute, walked up towards me, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek!

I was still dumbfounded with what you've done that was why I wasn't able to say anything.

But when I was starting to recover, what did you do?

You dragged me towards a girl who was about your age, called me 'love', and introduced me as your freaking girlfriend!!!!

You didn't stop even after the girl ran away crying.

You dragged me towards the table where the love of my life was sitting, and even continued on with your act with your friends!

Now, my bestfriend, my love Chang Wook, thinks that we are together!

Do you know that he was slightly disappointed in me after he has known that?

He thought I was keeping secrets to him, and that I was dating without telling him!

I told him that wasn't true, and that you are just a lying jerk.

But he doesn't believe me!

He was kind of okay with that now. He even teases me when you're around!!!

I swear, I will kill you repeatedly in my mind.

You just made my love believe that I was in love with someone else.

You, brute, are the biggest nightmare in my life!

I hate you! I hate you!!!!


How dare you kiss me again on the cheeks yesterday?

Do you really have to do that in front of my classmates!

Ugh! I hate hate hate you so much!

-Shin Hye, the girl you pretended to be in love with / the girl who wishes to kill you right now.

Min Ho chuckled as he remembered everything she said in the letter.

He can never forget any detail about that time, cause that was the start of something wonderful for him.

He walked towards the comfort room, and decided to take a shower.

My lovely Shin Hye, you are right. I am someone who thinks I can do anything I like to just anyone.

And you are no exception. I will make sure that you are going to do that drama with me.

See you tomorrow, my only love.

10 Things I Hate About You (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now