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Chang Wook was pacing back and forth outside Shin Hye's hospital room as he waited for her brother to arrive.

He was so terrified when she fainted a while ago while they were watching the sunset.

He is patiently waiting outside Shin Hye's room for what the doctor has to say about what happened to her.

He was glad to finally see her again after months, but he definitely didn't see this coming.

What could be the reason why she fainted?

He knew it is not because of undereating. He knew his best friend well.

She doesn't care about calories and just eats her heart out.

Maybe she lacks sleep?

But he doesn't know why he feels uneasy.

Her hospital room opened, and the doctor approached him.

"Excuse me. Are you the patient's guardian?"

Chang Wook shook his head.

"No. I am her friend. What is wrong with her? Why did she faint?"

He waited for the doctor's answer.

"She should be confined. I am sorry. I can only disclose her condition to her family. I will just wait for her family member. Excuse me."

Chang Wook was left dumb-founded with what the doctor said.

He just went inside the room, and saw her sleeping.

He held her hand, and looked at her face.

"Please be okay, Shin Hye."

He looked at the beautiful face of his best friend, the only woman he has loved.

Yes. He loves her more than a best friend.

But he is such a coward. He doesn't want to lose her so he just kept his feelings to himself.

He knew she felt something for him back then.

But he is afraid that he cannot love her the way she deserves to be loved.

So when he learned that she is his friend Min Ho's girlfriend, he was deeply hurt.

Since he knew that time that he is still not capable to love her the way she deserves to, he just let her be with Min Ho.

That is why he tried to love another, and found Yna.

They have been together for years, and he has learned to love a friend.

It is still Shin Hye who is in his heart.

When Yna confessed that she cheated on him, he got angry cause his ego was hurt.

But he felt relieved. Even Yna doesn't deserve him.

When he is sure that he can already love Shin Hye the way she deserves to be loved, Min Ho came to the picture again.

He thought it was just for media play. Being an actor himself, he knew how show business works.

But she said they were for real a while ago.

And again, he felt hurt.

Why am I always late?

Chang Wook smiled sadly as he looks at her.

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