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Min Ho slumped on his chair and looked at his phone for the hundredth time.

He wanted to call Shin Hye and apologize for his rude behavior, but he just received a message from her saying that they should not talk for a while.

He is actually getting nervous.

What if this is the end for us again?

His blood boiled as he remember that girl.

Kim Zora.

The woman who was the cause of all the misunderstandings between him and Shin Hye.

He was actually glad that she disappeared suddenly last 2012. That was the year that he became free from all the manipulations.

Min Ho wanted to remember her only as a distant bad memory but she is back.

And he is furious with what she has been doing.

She is back at it, back to ruin his life for the sake of her own selfish ambitions.

Yesterday, he was really angry upon reading the news which were mostly about him and Kim Zora.

The mere mention of that selfish woman's name makes his blood boil.

He hasn't been thinking straight for week now cause he is plotting things to get rid of Zora's selfish tactics.

That was why he hasn't been sending messages to Shin Hye.

She needs to get treated. He doesn't want to bother her by telling her about his problems with Zora.

He does not know what to do so in order to forget his problems for a while, he went out and drink alcohol to his heart's content.

He already got home at 2:00 am, and he barely had sleep when Shin Hye called.

He's irrational and rude when he is drunk or lacks sleep.

And those two are not a very good combo.

That was why when Shin Hye told him to explain, he cut her off and tell things he did not mean.

He didn't want to be rude to her nor tell her that she doesn't trust him.

After all, she has all the rights to be suspicious of him.

But he ain't thinking straight that was why he acted rudely.

When he woke up and remembered what happened, he immediately dialed her number, but each time, she is declining his calls.

He just received her message.

Let's not talk for a while, brute. Let us calm ourselves down first before we talk.

His shoulders slumped upon reading her message.

We are still together, right?

Min Ho balled up his fist upon thinking of the possibility that he'll be away from the woman he loves just because of an unworthy girl like Zora.

He won't let that happen. If he had to fly to London right now and beg for her to let him explain, he will do it.

Min Ho was pulled out of his deep thoughts when his door bell rang.

He knew who it was. He doesn't want to let that filthy person in but he received a message.

"Let me in. Or else, you know what'll happen. Those cheap letters sent by that woman, remember?"

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