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"How am I supposed to love you
when I don't love who I am?"

"If you don't get up right now, I will pour this water all over your face." I declared. But-much to my dismay-that weak threat did nothing to make Kyler move from where he was sprawled all over my bed, his head pressed against the pillow.


"Five more minutes." He mumbled, his voice muffled.

"You've had more than five minutes." I complained, nudging him with my knee as I sat beside him on the bed. "Get up."

"Luna!" He whined, pushing my leg away and turning to lay on his back, pressing the pillow further into his face as he let out a displeased groan.


He grumbled again but finally removed the pillow from his face and I let a triumphant grin stretch out on my lips. At my victorious expression, he gave me a deadpan and he genuinely looked pissed but then, the corners of his lips fought to tug upwards and the little guilt blossoming in my heart disappeared immediately.

"Good morning." I whispered softly, reaching out to brush his hair back from his forehead.

"Good morning." Catching my hand in his, he brought it up to his lips before pressing soft, butterfly kisses on my palm.

I tried to contain my smile but the more I tried, the harder it got. The things this guy does to me.

"What time is it?" He yawned, stretching his arms to grab his phone from the bedside table as I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to my closet.

"Time for Kyler to have breakfast with Luna."

"It's literally five in the fucking morning. Are you insane?" He groaned, throwing his phone beside him on the bed and resting his arms on his eyes.

"So? It's never too early for a breakfast date." I expected him to be just as mad as before but as I looked over my shoulder, my heart freaking melted at the adorable look he gave me as he finally sat up and leaned back against the headboard. "And besides I want to go look at the sunrise. Now get up!"

"I hate you." He said, but the smile on his lips was prominent as he shook his head and rolled off the bed before making his way to the window.

After about ten minutes, I had changed into a pair of denim shorts and one of Kyler's sweaters. I was just done brushing my hair out when I heard a light thud in the direction of the window and smiled to myself as an odd, warm feeling spread in my chest.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he walked over and leaned against the bathroom door, his tired eyes locked on his phone screen.

Looking away from the mirror, I shrugged at him.

"I was thinking we could grab breakfast and go to that spot near the lake. It has a pretty view." Kyler nodded, finally looking up and his eyes instantly zoned in on his sweater. A small smile twitched on his lips as his eyes moved up to meet mine, an amused look settling on his face.

"That's mine." He commented, tilting his head to the side.

"Not anymore." I heard him chuckled as I pushed past him to walk into my room to grab my shoes.

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