Chapter 1.

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You trudged slowly through the dense forest, sighing lightly.

The summer sun weaves through the green leaves of the oak trees surrounding you, attempting to escape to the forest floor, lighting your path. Soft breezes push your (H/L) (H/C) hair out of your eyes as you made your way to your new summer home.

What's this summer home you ask?

Well, after being attacked by your gym coach, who turned out to be a Harpie and tried to claw your eyes out, your (parent) finally revealed to you that you were a demigod. Yes, you were the daughter of (your godly parent). Hmph. No wonder they weren't around. They're a GOD.

Anyways, after almost being gutted by a monster, your mother rushed you to pack and sent you to New York, then leaving you in the forest of Camp Half Blood.

You shifted your backpack from one shoulder to the other nervously. You were never one to like meeting new people, and now there's a giant CAMP full of them. And you have to get along with them. All of them.

Not to mention a whole new army of brothers and sisters.

Sighing again, a bit louder this time, you stumbled closer to the large, bronze arch that signaled your arrival. The letters that were inscribed on the top of the arch shifted and switched around, translating from Greek to English, into the words 'Camp Half Blood'.

"Well," you said to yourself. "No turning back now."

Taking deep breaths and agonizingly slow steps, you proceeded through the force-field.

The sight that greeted you upon your entry was magnificent.

Lush, green fields spread as far as the eye can see. A strawberry field was being tended to by satyrs and their pan flutes, occasionally taking breaks to flirt with nearby dryads.

A large pavilion with long wooden tables and a brasier in the front stands empty- for the time being.

Also, and assortment of large, ancient-looking cabins sit in the center of the camp in the form of a Greek omega.
You stared in awe. This is where you are going to be staying every summer?

Snapping you out of your thoughts, you noticed that a rather tall figure was making their way toward you. You squinted, not thinking that anyone can move at such a fast pace. That's when you heard it. The galloping.
A centaur.

He approaches, pausing in front of you and looking you up and down, as if evaluating you. You shifted uncomfortably under his sturdy, yet gentle gaze.

"You must be a new camper," he stated. "My name is Chiron. I'm the director of Camp Half Blood. Now, child, have you been claimed?"

You looked up at the centaur in puzzlement.

He chuckled, "Do you know who your godly parent is?"

Realizing what 'claimed' meant, you nodded, not trusting your voice in case you embarrass yourself.

"If you will, please follow me to your cabin," he said with a warm smile.
You obeyed, feeling comfortable with his presence.

You kept your gaze to the ground as you passed many other half-bloods of all ages. Many gave you welcoming smiles, while others gave you light glares, daring you to challenge them.

Your heart was pounding from all the attention as Chiron stopped you at the entrance of the (godly parent) cabin. He smiled lightly, gesturing you to enter first. Your hand shook a bit as you opened the door, met by smiling faces and the waving of your apparent siblings.

"Everyone," Chiron's voiced boomed. "Please welcome your new sibling." He gestured for you to introduce yourself. Giving a shy smile, you said, "Hello. My name is (Y/N) and apparently, I'm your new sister," you giggled slightly.

After getting settled in, it was easy to feel comfortable in your cabin. Since they were your siblings, you all looked alike and had common interests. When you were having a pleasant conversation with one of your brothers, his name being Jake, someone yelled, signaling that it was time for dinner.

Apparently, the tall pavilion with the long tables and brasier that you viewed upon your arrival was the dining pavilion. Your stomach grumbled loudly, since you haven't eaten all day. Jake laughed lightheartedly. "You must be hungry. All of this information comes fast, leaving you exhausted. It happened to all of us. Follow me," he smiled. You shyly smiled back and followed him out of the cabin.

There were so many other demigods! You started to feel self-conscious, never being around so many people, other than at school. Sensing your unease, Jake patted your back encouragingly, earning a nervous smile from you. You followed your siblings to the (godly parent) table. In the middle if a conversation, you felt someone's gaze pinned upon you. You took a quick look around, until you locked eyes with a pair of honey-brown orbs from the Hephastus table that would not leave your form.

Piper, Jason and I made our way to the dining pavilion after a long day of training. The silence between us was a peaceful one, until, as always, I felt the need to break it.

"Did you hear?" I said, gaining the couple's attention. "I heard there's a new demigod. Maybe we can meet him and make a new friend!"

"Or find someone else to annoy," Jason jokes lightheartedly. I tried to scowl at him, but I couldn't help the smile that crept it's way onto my face.

"I heard that it was a girl, a daughter of (godly parent)," Piper intervened.
"All the better," I said in a cocky tone, smirking widely. "Dude, come on," Jason complained to me. Piper rolled her eyes as I chuckled.

When we walked into the dining pavilion, we said our parting words and sat at our respective tables. I started to listen in on my sister's conversation, when a glint of shiny (H/C) hair caught my eye. I moved my head in the direction of the shine, only to be met by the face of a girl with the looks of a goddess. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair framed her (S/T) face perfectly. She had brilliant, shining (E/C) eyes that sped up my heart. Her fingers laced together and twitched nervously as she spoke to Jake; a kid I know from the (godly parent) cabin. I haven't seen her around before, so she must be the new girl.

Jake must've said something funny, because she began to smile and giggle quietly. Is that how angels sound? And her smile was enough brighten up the room. Little did I know that my sister was attempting to gain my attention. I was a bit preoccupied.

Suddenly, the beautiful girl's sparkling (E/C) eyes snapped to mine, causing my heart to stop entirely. A small roseate blush spread across her face. Which was adorable. 'Well,' I thought to myself. 'No going back, now'.

With my eyes stilled locked onto hers, I slowly stood up, and made my way over to the (godly parent) table.

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