Free Show

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The thick blankets covering your body were warm as you laid hiding under them. God why was it so freaking cold all the time? You huffed a sigh of frustration as you slid further beneath them and squeezed your eyes shut.

Skipping eating before work again was not ideal but the bed was just too nice to get out of. You rolled over to squint at the alarm clock on your bedside table. It read 22:30 and you shut your eyes again in dread. 

Whining, you kicked off the sheets, rolled out of bed, and immediately began to shiver. Walking over to the dresser in the corner of the room, you numbly started opening the top drawer.

Most people on base took hot showers to help bring some heat back into their bodies after they woke up. But they had always just made you sleepier, so you just grumbled through the pain of the frozen air. Sliding off your poor excuse for pajamas, you tossed them onto your unmade bed. 

Looking back at the contents of the drawer, you sighed as you pulled out your light grey scrubs. Your cold fingers hooked on your bra and while shivering you yanked the ugly white long sleeve thermal over your head.

There was a knock at your door, and you whipped your head around. 

Who would be visiting you right now? 

It was bedtime for most people! Max was probably getting ready for his shift last minute like you, so it couldn't be him.

Another knock and you fumbled to grab your pants. Before you could slide them on the hatch flew open. A head full of blonde hair wrapped around the corner and smirked at you before walking through the doorway.

The figure smiled a bright-toothed smile and chuckled as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Oh geez, didn't know I was getting a free show today!" she said with a laugh as she looked at you up and down. "Damn did you lose weight?"

You shook your head as you reached for your pants again.

"Well, maybe you should try to lose some..." she said looking at your body again with a disapproving face.

She really did always have a way of making you feel like shit. She had always been small and thin without any diet and exercise. On top of that she had long hair that naturally looked perfect and she was just overall better at everything. It was wicked frustrating. You looked nothing like her, well except for your same height.

You grimaced a smile as you pulled the drawstring pants over your knees.

A fake laugh escaped your lips as you said, "Well no one could ever look as good as you Kor." 

You turned around towards the dresser again as you grabbed your scrub top.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kori asked pouting as she walked over to you with her arms still crossed.

You didn't say anything as you pulled the thin fabric shirt over your long sleeve. Tucking the shirt into your scrub bottoms you swallowed and smiled as you said, "Nothing, you know I'm just messing with you."

Kori rolled her eyes and walked over to your bed and flopped down on her back. Her crisp black uniform creased as her body crushed its stiff folds. She propped her body up with her forearms and looked at you.

"Hey, when is your next shift change? Damon and I want to have another game night."

You leaned over the dresser and to get your red sigil armband and started to slip it over your left arm. You turned around and shrugged your shoulders. Both Kori and her boyfriend Damon worked second shift on base and you only really saw them when there were shift change days.

The work shifts were split into three sections on the base and you currently were stuck on the overnight shift. Every other month, you were able to request a change in shifts. Your best friend Max was also working the overnight shift, so you didn't mind it too much.

"Uh, I'm not sure. Max and I were planning on staying on the overnight shift for a while. There's less traffic around, less interactions and stuff. Which is ideal for us introverted people," you said with another fake little laugh. Wow today was going to be a long one.

You walked over towards the hatch to grab your shoes. Balancing on one foot, you slid one shoe on and did the same for the other. You turned to look at Kori as she leaned against the bed and she slowly sat up looking at you with sad pouting eyes.

"I never see you anymore. I feel like you're avoiding me," she said in a glum voice while emphasizing the 'avoiding' in her words.

Feeling the guilt, you walked over and plopped down on the bed next to her and wrapped your arm around her shoulders.

"Kor, I'm not avoiding you. I'm just really tired after my shifts, that's all." 

Hoping she wouldn't sense your fake excuse, you pulled her in closer to you. She smiled and leaned her head on your shoulder.

There was knock on the door and you both lifted your heads to look towards it. The hatch flew open and a tall figure walked through. Fresh from the medbay, with his dark gray scrubs on, was Damon with a big smile on his face.

"Well there are my favorite girls!"

He walked over to the bed and flopped down next to you laying down on his back. The bed sunk under his weight as the side of his body was touching yours and you felt your face blush. Hoping neither of them noticed, you glanced at the clock again, it read 22:50. Shit. You jumped off the bed and grabbed your datapad and looked back at the couple.

"Okay this has been a great lil reunion, but I gotta get to my shift. I start at 23:00"

Sensing the panic in your voice, both Damon and Kori slid off the bed reluctantly and headed towards the hatch door.

"Okay, well can you be less of a stranger?" Kori asked staring at you. You nodded without looking at her and quickly walked into the hallway.

"Alright kiddo, we'll see ya later okay?" Damon said putting a hand on your shoulder.

You tried to hide your blushing face again and put on a fake reassuring smile. Waving goodbye to them, you turned around and headed towards the medbay. You could hear them already giggling about something as they walked away in the opposite direction.

Continuing to your brisk walk to the bay you sighed and fanned at your rosy cheeks. Had Damon gotten more attractive in the last couple of weeks? 

Dammit. It's not fair that some people can look like that. 

Maybe he had gotten a haircut? 

You shook your head and tried to forget about it as you walked into the bay.

Red Desire | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now