We Aren't Done with This

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"What do you know about the Force?"

Jonah was breathing heavily as he stood in front of you holding onto a baton. He was hunched over slightly gripping his knees to catch his breath. He looked up at you in surprise at your question probably not expecting you to ask something like that.

"I know a little about it," he said hesitantly standing up straighter. "Why do you ask?"

You shrugged casually trying to make it seem like you were simply curious, "Well, I just, um, wondered if you knew anything about it."

He wiped the back of his hand over his forehead and walked over to the side of the training room to take a sip of his water. You followed his lead and took a sip of your own greedily sucking it down.

The two of you had been intensely training and you were finally the one making him exhausted from it all. He was definitely more skilled than you, but all of your time spent with him was finally starting to show. The last bout the two of you had led to you nearly disarming him, which you took great pride in.

It helped that you had a wicked temper to fuel you recently.

"What do you want to know about it?" Jonah asked before taking another long drink of water.

You set your water down and picked up your baton that you had set down, "Do you know anything about reading minds? Like, Force users reading people's minds."

He scrunched up his face slightly before saying, "I understand a little bit. The Force is still a bit of a mystery to everyone, even those who wield the power to use it." Nodding slowly, you looked at him hoping he would continue. "I'm unsure if they can all read minds, maybe only those who are really strong in the Force," he said raising his eyebrow a bit as if he was in deep concentration. "I would assume it takes a lot of strength to be able to do that, though. Reading people's thoughts."

"Is, is there," you paused trying to still seem innocently curious. "Is there a way that you can block your thoughts from being read?"

The question seemed to throw Jonah off slightly, but he was still calm as he answered, "Yes, probably. I would assume that it takes some training to be able to do that." He grabbed his baton and started walking back out into the training room and you followed him again. "Why are you asking me about this? Is something wrong?"

You smiled at his concern walking over to him, "No, I just want to learn how to block out my thoughts."

He tilted his head to the side, "Who are you hiding your thoughts from?"

Biting your lip, you shuffled your foot on the ground avoiding his eye contact, "Uh, I think you know the answer to that question."

A soft chuckle left him as he ran a hand through his sweat-dampened hair, "Does he read your thoughts?"

Without even having to tell him who you were talking about, he knew.

Well, good. It saved you from having to say his name out loud.

"Yes," you said quicker than you had wanted to. "Well, he used to," you said trying to recover from your hasty response.

"And, you want me to help you block off your mind?" Jonah asked hesitantly as he twirled the baton in between his fingers.

Your head shot up to look at him, "You could do that?"

He laughed again, "I can try. I've never done it before though," he said with a tone of warning. "However, I do meditate regularly, and I know Force users do this as well. So, maybe we can try that and see if it works in blocking him out."

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