Let Me Take Care of You

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The words Kylo spoke rang through your ears, "I have a bath waiting for us."

You looked at him in utter disbelief trying to understand what he was saying. Trying to make sense of what was happening.

It all felt like a dream. Everything that was surrounding you.

Like you were stuck in a haze and he was the only thing that you could see clearly. He was the light shining bright against the storm and fog around you.

You felt undeserving of all of it. Unworthy of his actions. Everything just felt too damn good to be true.

It felt like it could all be snatched up from beneath you at any moment.

Swallowing and trying not to choke on your words, you looked at him, "Y-You cleaned up my room?" you asked while blinking up at him in amazement tightening your arms around his neck.

He nodded his head as he gripped your waist tightly and ran his other hand over the back of your head reassuringly. "And, and you put out all these candles?" you asked gesturing around the dimly lit room.

A slight tinge of pink came over his cheeks as he nodded again never breaking his eye contact with you. His gaze was soft as he waited patiently while listening to what you were rambling about.

"And, and y-you have a bath, a bath for us?" you asked trying to keep your tears at bay as you nestled your fingers into his hair.

"Yes baby," he cooed at you as his dark eyes twinkled.

You melted at his words, "You didn't have to do all of this," you said looking all around your room. "You didn't have to-"

He shushed you while rocking your body slowly with his, as if you were slow dancing, "I know I didn't have to. But let me take care of you."

Your entire body warmed, and yet you still said, "But, but Kylo-"

"Stop, you're not going to win this argument," he said with a slight smirk as he bent down to gently scoop you up and a small giggle left your chest. He carried you effortlessly towards the hot running water of the tub.

After the insane day you had, it felt like heaven to be wrapped up in his arms with your head resting against his body. He felt so solid and strong while you felt woozy and weak in comparison. It was like he knew exactly what you needed at that moment. The weight of everything you had just witnessed and lived through was definitely taking a toll on your mind and your body.

Now, you wanted nothing more than to be held by Kylo.

And never let him go.

He tenderly sat you down on the counter of your sink as if he were afraid your body might fall apart. Reaching up slowly, he tenderly cupped your face in his hand and you instantly nuzzled into it. The feeling of his large warm hands on your skin made you instantly feel safe.

Moving his hand, he reached to release your hair from the knot at the back of your head. A sigh of relief left you as your hair cascaded around your face in a curtain and he slowly pushed it out of your eyes. The look on his face was something you had never seen on him before. His expressions were usually tough, stoic, and emotionless; but now, his face was soft and kind.

It was as if he was looking at the most precious thing he had ever seen.

Leaning in, he brushed his plump lips across your neck, "Let's get these off of you," he murmured in a voice so low it made you shudder.

You couldn't even manage to say something back, and you merely nodded in response. It was like your whole body listened to his commands and rendered you speechless. Just from the touch of his pink full lips to your skin.

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