No, Keep Them On

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You reached out and grabbed his outstretched hand.

The Commander used the force to make your heels fly up into his hands and he yanked you out of the training center. You were practically running to keep up with him as he walked in long strides down the hallway.

He stopped suddenly and pulled you into a dark room. You almost ran into him because you hadn't been paying attention. The door slammed shut behind the both of you and you grasped your chest trying to catch your breath. He let go of your hand.

He had brought you into a supplies closet that was located off of the hallway. You glanced around the room and there were shelves of janitorial supplies stacked high along the walls. There was a dim light above you that allowed you to barely see him in front of you.

"What were you doing?" he said as he breathed heavily pacing around the room.

"What?" you said shocked. "What was I doing? No, you should be asking what the hell were they doing?"

He rounded on you and closed the distance between you.

"You have no right being in that training center dressed like that," he spat at you.

Throwing your arms up in exasperation, you let out a frustrated yell.

"I should be able to go anywhere dressed in anything and not worry about creeps touching me!" you snarled back at him.

He threw your heels that he was still holding onto the ground and pushed your body up against the wall. Grabbing your waist with his hands, he pulled your body close to his. His breath was ragged and loud with the synthesizer directly in your ear.

"I don't want you walking around in this," he said pulling at your dress.

"I can wear whatever I want-"

"I could hear what they were thinking!" he said now shouting. "They were thinking such vile things-"

You tried to shove away from him, but he pulled you in closer. "Why the hell do you care anyway?" you asked loudly.

He slipped one hand from your waist and it grabbed your hip firmly. You gasped as he snaked the other hand up your body. His hand felt your curves until it rested on the back of your neck. He pulled out the band that held your hair up and it fell out cascading around your face.

You felt a burn in your body as you stifled a moan against him. He chuckled lowly and moved to hold your face in his large gloved hand. You stared up into the blank mask wishing you could see his face.

"I don't know," he said in a hushed tone.

"That's it? You don't know?" you asked back. "You're the one who keeps getting handsy with me Commander."

"And you, Red," he almost whispered, "Are the one having sex dreams about me."

Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you tried to tuck your head down. He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. Your body was trembling under his touch as the heat between your legs continued to build.

You couldn't believe you were this close to him now. The Commander.


This is the same Commander who was going to murder millions of people.

You shook your head trying to get rid of the clouded fantasy of your dreams.

Remembering your anger from the party, you slapped his hand away. He hadn't expected it and his hand let go of your face. You ducked under his outstretched arm and stepped away from him.

Red Desire | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now