Want to Play?

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Sitting there, you felt like you were buzzing with anxiety and the ever-present burden of making a choice.

All of your senses were heightened as you sat on the edge of your seat. The metal floor beneath you chilled your skin as your bare foot bounced up down in rapid thought. It felt like your brain was working overtime trying to come up with something. Squeezing your eyes closed, you paused to think, hoping that you'd think of what to do. A move to play. A path to pick. A way out of this.

Taking a deep breath in, you opened your eyes to stare straight ahead into his deep chocolate eyes that bore back into yours. He blinked slowly and you watched as if you were in a trance as his long dark eyelashes touched the smooth skin under his captivating eyes.

He was waiting. Waiting for you.

"How?" you asked quietly not breaking your intense stare.

Raising in eyebrow in question, Kylo simply hummed in response.

"How are you doing this?" you asked allowing your leg to bounce faster in anticipation.

He folded his arms across his broad chest and leaned back in his seat as he kept his eyes on you. His torso was free of a shirt and the dull lighting inside of the ship made his protruding muscles stand out even more with the dark shadows that were cast down. His eyes narrowed as he ignored your question.

You dared your eyes to look over him but scolded yourself when you knew you'd been looking for too long. Staring at him would only distract you, so you instead focused your gaze down at the table between you.

"You have to be cheating," you said flatly as you glared downwards.

Kylo scoffed loudly, "I'm not."

The air throughout the ship felt extra cold and it was making your body tremble and goosebumps erupted over your mostly bare skin. The added irritation that was bubbling up inside of you wasn't helping you feel any better about the situation.

You were on edge.

All you had on was his massive sweater and a pair of his boxers that you'd slept in the night before. He was only in loose pants that hung lowly on his hips. You wondered how he wasn't shivering from the cold draft, and your eyes drifted back up towards his skin. It seemed like it was nearly glowing. He smirked when he caught you staring, and you quickly darted your eyes back down with a scowl on your face.

You reached out to point in front of you with a frown, "Well, then what's this? Looks like cheating to me."

He shook his head in frustration, "You're being overdramatic," he said looking to where your finger was pointing. "You're taking this all wrong."

"Oh, so it's my fault that this is happening. You're just fucking with me."

A deep rumble of a chuckle came from him as he tried to hide his amusement, "Baby, I'm not."

Narrowing your eyes, you glared at him, "Don't 'baby' me. Are you making fun of me?"

"No, I'm not."

"Well, then why are you smiling at me like that?" you asked with a huff starting to feel more agitated. "And how the hell are you so good at this?"

"Good at what?" Kylo replied trying to feign innocence as he smirked at you. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're being a little bitch. This isn't fair."

He just shook his head and ran a hand through his long dark hair, "I've been playing this for a long time. I promise I'm not cheating."

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