I'm Not Your Baby

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(Hi friends- just wanted to say this chapter might be triggering for some folx. I didn't originally put a trigger warning in and I apologize. I never meant to make any of you uncomfortable and definitely don't want to take away from those who have experienced this. I'll do better in the future. Thanks keeping me in check.)

This probably was not a good idea.

This wasn't a fucking apology; and you deserved a real goddamn apology from him. He had put you through hell.

But shit, how could you say no to this? Who wouldn't want Kylo Ren on his knees in front of you practically begging to pleasure you?

You shouln't have fixed him up yourself. You shouldn't have let him get near you afterward. You shouldn't have let him kiss you.

Well, too late for that now.

You deserved to feel good for once. It had been so long since you let anyone touch you. In your mind, you wanted to say it had been a while because you were working on yourself and didn't need the distraction. In reality, it was because no one could ever or would ever compare to him. He was just too good with his hands.

And his mouth.

Your thoughts were interrupted when Kylo licked a strip up your exposed cunt. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you gripped a handful of his long hair. With your other hand, you held onto the edge of the counter in hopes that you could hold yourself upright.

He took his time moving his tongue through your folds all while purposely avoiding your clit. He moved his tongue down until he reached your tightest hole. Spreading your ass wider, he circled his tongue around the skin, and you hummed in pleasure. It was a new feeling, but it felt so fucking good.

Batting his long dark eyelashes, he watched you fall apart as he continued his same motions. Everything he did felt so good that you could only respond with heavy desperate pants. He began poking his tongue into you making a loud gasp leave your body. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he let out a deep groan. The vibration from his mouth made everything feel more intense and you tugged on his hair tighter.

Without intentionally meaning to, your hips started to move in rhythm with his tongue as he continued. Pulling his mouth away from your ass, he brought his mouth back up towards your throbbing nub. He sucked it into his mouth which felt like heaven. He had been denying touching it making it feel extra sensitive.

You didn't realize how pent up and stressed you had been feeling. It was the sweetest relief you could have asked for. And he knew exactly how to make you unravel beneath him.

His large hands gripped your legs harder as he nuzzled his face further into you. The noises leaving your mouth were embarrassingly loud, but you didn't care at this point. Kylo moved his mouth away as he stared intensely at you trying to catch his breath. He smirked before he licked his lips and moved right back towards you.

"You always taste so fucking good," he practically purred against you. "I can't get enough."

Your chest was rising in sharp inhales as you tried to focus on reaching your high. Your back was pressed into the wall and your head was thrown back in euphoria.

Without you realizing what he was doing, he slipped one thick finger into you making you whine out, "Fuck, Ky-"

It slipped in with little effort given how wet you were. You could almost feel yourself leaking down his face.

He continued to work his mouth against your clit by sucking and swirling his tongue around it. His finger was pumping in and out of you at a ridiculously slow pace. Everything felt so insanely good that your body couldn't decide how to react.

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