The Encounter

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The man skipped over to you and wrapped his arms underneath yours so he could pick you up. He pulled you up with ease and twirled you around. You let your head fall back as you giggled and wrapped your legs around his waist hugging him close.

"Max! Hi! I missed you!"

He squeezed you before setting you down and walking over to the coffee. Seeing as the mug was full, he took a little sip and immediately handed it to you with a disgusted face.

"Oh my god, that is way too strong babe."

You laughed and grabbed the mug from him. You sat down at the small table near the two of you and took a long sip of the hot liquid. Hoping the caffeine would kick in soon, you took another sip. Rubbing your tired eyes, you looked up at Max as he grabbed a mug from the shelf for himself to fill. He dumped sugar into his mug and grabbed for a spoon before reaching for the coffee pot. His frame stood out against the sparkling, white, clean room since he was wearing his dark grey sanitation jumpsuit.

Max had curly brown hair that was shorter on the sides. His single silver hoop earring in the top of his left ear stood out against his tan freckled skin. He was much taller than you, and although he was thin, he was strong. He was beautiful, in a god-like way, which he loved to remind you of.

He looked at you as he finished filling his coffee mug and said, "So how did you sleep?"

"Kinda shitty honestly," you said with a huff. "My room is still fucking freezing."

He sat down next to you and grabbed your hand with mock sympathy.

"Honey, now, if this is an invitation for me to sleep with you, you know I'll do it. I'll just close my eyes and pretend that you're..."

You slapped his hand away as you laughed at him. "Awe Max, it's sweet that you think I'd want that," you said with a smirk. "In your dreams, hot stuff."

His mouth opened in a surprised shock. "Girl, you wish you could sleep with me," he mocked back at you. You both chuckled as he pulled out his datapad and checked his tasks. Swiping through his list of tasks, he looked back up at you.

"I already did the sanitation for the area near the bay, so is it okay if I hang with you for a bit? I'm just so sleepy girl, I need to sit down."

You nodded as you took another sip of your hot liquid fuel. You craned your neck to look at the clock. Damn, today was going by so slow. You turned back around as your stomach growled again.

"Actually, since you can leave the bay, could you go get me a snack from the café? I didn't eat anything before my shift again," you said looking at him with a face of guilt.

He tisked at you and you enhanced the pout knowing it would work. He rolled his eye as he stood up and set down his mug.

"Of course, you know I'll take care of my girl." He winked as he walked out of the room.

About a month or so after you first started working in the medbay, you and Damon had to do emergency surgery for a patient. You were there for hours and together you were able to save the soldier's life. Afterward, there was so much to clean up, the desk assistant had called for extra sanitation backup since the mess was literally everywhere.

Max had sauntered in with his face mask and bio-hazard bucket. He had brought a radio with him and his fellow sanitation workers and they listened to music while cleaning up the blood-stained floor. You were pretty sure that having music in the bay wasn't allowed, but you weren't about to complain about it.

After he was done, he came out into the hallway after re-sanitizing himself. You were sitting on the floor with your knees to your chest and your face in your hands. It had been your first big surgery and you needed a moment to breathe.

He had looked down at you and slid down to sit right next to you. You had lifted your head to look at him. He gave you a kind smile and grabbed your hand.

"I just wanted to say doll, I think the work that you all do in here is great. You're such a badass. Especially looking like that," he said with a wink.

Your scrubs were covered in dried crusty blood and so was your undershirt. Your hair that had once been up in a tight ponytail was loose with hair flying out everywhere. You definitely looked terrible, but you laughed and thanked him anyway.

Ever since then, you and Max had been inseparable. Your personalities had just clicked with each other and he was like your second half. You both began working the overnight shift and ended up goofing around whenever he stopped in for a 'quick' visit. His room was on the other side of the base, so you didn't get to see him much outside of when you were supposed to be working. You were grateful for him and his friendship and looked forward to seeing him.

With your cup of coffee in hand, you walked out of the backroom and towards the examination rooms. Everything was clean and spotless as you sat down at the computer in one of the rooms. Shivering you pulled your sleeves over your trembling hands as you slowly logged into the system.

You read through some of the reports of the incidents from earlier in the day as you continued to sip on your coffee. Most of your night shifts started out like this. It was peaceful.

Just as you were about to get up to go check on the patients in their rooms, you heard a loud bang that came from the lobby.

You stood frozen for a second before you slammed your mug down and rushed out of the room into the hallway towards the lobby. Standing there, like a mountain of black cloth, stood the Commander of the First Order.

You opened your mouth and then shut it still gawking at him. You had never seen him this close before. He seemed to take up most of the room just in his size alone.

He was scanning the room for movement and his eyes landed on you. Well, you weren't quite sure because he was wearing his helmet; but his face was in your general direction. He sucked in a large gust of air and breathed out, causing a vicious sound from his mask.

"You!" he almost shouted as he pointed towards you. 

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