Hands Off of Me

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Panic coursed through your body as Damon had you pinned up against the wall. You were too far away from Kylo's quarters for him to hear your shouting.

Where the hell was he when you needed him? Couldn't he just use his magic mind-reading skills and come save you?

Guess not.

Well, fuck.

But Damon wouldn't actually hurt you, would he?

Based on his movements and his facial expression, it seemed like he might. The look on his face showed just how angry he was. His grip on your wrists was tight and painful and he was close enough that he completely immobilized you. Realizing just how much bigger he was, you gulped down your fear and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Damon, please," you begged. "Please, you're hurting me."

An emotion crossed over his eyes as he stared down at you and then quickly looked away. He was panting heavily still holding on with an insane grip. You could already feel the bruises forming on your wrists and wished you could move, but your entire body felt like it was stuck against the wall. There was no use fighting against him now.

Anxiety built up within you and panic started to set in.

What was he going to do?

"Damon," you said again trying to get his attention. "Damon, please. Can we just talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about," he growled looking back at you.

"What do you want from me?" you asked with a wince as his hands tightened.

He was so close to you now that his chest was pressed up against yours. You could feel the anger rolling off of him and it soaked into you. Your heart was beating so fast.

A couple of months ago, you would have given anything and everything to be this close to him. To be in this position. For him to recognize you as more than just a little kid. For him to realize you were a person.

Well, a lot has changed since then.

"Please," you pleaded with him trying to pull your wrists away. "Please, I don't know what you want from-"

Before you could finish your sentence, he bent down and kissed you.

His lips were rough against yours and you tried you move your head away, but he pressed himself harder against you. His eyes were shut as he kissed you and you took your chance.

With all of the strength you had, you swung your right knee directly upwards hitting him square in the groin. He let out a howl of pain and reached down towards the injury releasing your wrists in the process. As he hunched over, you used both hands and grabbed the back of his head pushing it down and smacking it against your raised knee.

His nose let out a satisfying crunch as it smashed into your kneecap and he wailed again. Damon was now rolling on the floor as blood dripped out of his nose and down his face.

You had never felt so empowered.

"Keep your fucking hands off of me," you spat at him as you slowly backed away from his curled-up figure lying on the ground.

He held his nose with one hand and his groin in the other. Blinking rapidly, he looked up at you, "You're a fucking bitch," he hissed as blood dripped down his chin onto his neck.

"I know," you sneered back at him as you circled his cowering frame. "Stay the hell away from me."

You started to take steps away from him and towards the direction you wanted to go when he yelled out your name making you freeze. He hadn't called you that in years. Hadn't called you anything other than kid or kiddo for years.

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