I Think You're Jealous

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The shuttle continued to rumble loudly as it picked up off of the ground of the hangar. You tried to take deep inhales of air and calm your breathing and not think about how you had just seen Kylo.

Well, only for like 5 seconds, but it was something.

And now you were trying not to hurl while being on this huge ship in front of a bunch of people. Standing up for the whole flight was not going to be fun. It didn't help that you couldn't see properly because of your damn trooper helmet. Not to mention that the air filtering through your mask was somewhat artificial smelling.

Okay, deep breaths. The shuttle ride to wherever you were going wasn't going to take long. Where were you going again? Ah, fuck. It doesn't really matter.

You just need to stay close to Hux and whatever other important people were on this mission. And then you'd have to run around helping injured people. But this was supposed to be a peaceful mission, so hopefully, you could avoid going into any battle.

Looking outside the tiny window nearby, you saw the metal floor getting smaller and smaller as the heavy ship was leaving the Finalizer docking bay. Suddenly, the ship stopped rumbling.

Had it already reached a height to make start jumping through the systems? No, it couldn't be.

Then, the metal ground of the hangar started coming into a closer view again.

What the fuck was happening?

The stormtroopers around you slowly moved their heads around clearly confused about what was going on. You did the same trying to listen in towards the back of the shuttle where the Generals were to see if they were saying anything. They were definitely talking, but you couldn't make out what they were saying.

Starting to feel antsy, you bounced your knees lightly trying to keep the blood flowing. The last thing you needed was to pass out on your first mission.

That would be hella embarrassing.

The shuttle landed in the bay again with a thud and you lurched forward slightly. You somehow caught yourself before crashing into the trooper standing in front of you. Straightening back up, you stood tall waiting to see what was happening.

There were footsteps coming up from behind and you fought the urge to whip your head around. Then, out of the narrow slits of your mask, you saw General Hux standing next to you looking absolutely livid. Before you could ask him anything, the held his hand up and flicked it towards the ramp that was lowering down.

Reaching down to grab your bag, he shook his head quickly telling you to leave it. You did and followed behind him as he walked past the other lined up troopers and down the ramp. His hands were in tight fists behind his back as he led you through the docking bay. Keeping your eyes trained ahead, you couldn't help but notice that people were turning their heads to look at you.

It must look weird for a lone trooper to be following a General out of a shuttle. Especially when you hadn't even had the chance to leave the bay yet.

Walking behind him, you kept up your pace since it seemed like he was taking out his anger into his quickly moving feet. He led you down a hallway off of the docking stations and stopped abruptly outside of an electrical room. Turning to face you, his face was flat showing no emotion, but you could tell he was pissed.

The redhead gestured to the door and swiftly moved past you back towards the shuttle. Confused, you watched him leave wondering what the hell was happening.

Oh, wait.

You tentatively pushed the door open and were met by a dark room. All you could see were little lights of red and white around the room from the electrical machines giving the room a soft glow. It was cold in there to keep all of the equipment from overheating and your body instantly shivered. Shutting the door, you turned back around to try and see what was going on.

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