A Mess

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The Commander strode over to you with large heavy steps so quickly you thought he had floated towards you. His cape flew behind him as he closed the distance between the two of you.

You stood there paralyzed in shock. He was well over a foot taller than you and his broad shoulders and massive body made you shudder. You swallowed your fear and forced yourself to look up at his mask.

Why would he be here? Especially at this hour? 

He had his own personal medics to fix him up whenever he got moody and decided to destroy things; which apparently happened a lot from what you had heard.

"I see you aren't working," he said harshly. "Aren't you getting paid to be doing something while you're here medic?" he spat in a low mocking tone.

He stormed past you down the hallway. You stood there in the same spot you had been in, unsure what to do or say next. You looked over to the desk assistant and they looked back at you just as perplexed.

You whipped around and saw the cloud of blackness turn the corner towards the exam room you had just been in. Your feet began to move without you realizing and you found yourself standing in the door frame.

Commander Kylo Ren was seething pacing around the room looking for something. Unsure what to do, you remained stuck at the frame of the door. He suddenly looked up and saw you staring.

"What the hell do you want?"

You didn't say anything and just shook your head. You turned around with your mouth open and walked towards the patient rooms. Why was he here? Looking in your exam rooms? Should you be talking to him? You didn't know the protocol of talking to such a high-ranking officer. You only ever worked with people who were all in the same ranking as you.

Opening the door to a patient's room, you slipped inside and saw that they were sleeping in their cot. You grabbed their vitals charts to try and distract your mind. You set the chart down and walked over to check their fluids.

You heard a giant crash of glass and you ran out of the patient's room. Finding courage that you didn't know you had, you stormed into the room the Commander was in and walked through the doorway. The room was a disaster with supplies and glass covering the floor. You felt the anger rise up in you.

"Are you looking for something? Is there a reason you're creating a mess in my..."

"Yours?" he said at you with disgust. "May I remind you who is in charge here."

You opened your mouth in shock. "Well you're causing a scene and my patients are trying to sleep right now and..."

He cut you off again as he stormed over to you, "I'd watch what you say to me. I am your superior."

He stood there in front of you still breathing heavily. You noticed his left shoulder was drooping slightly lower than his right. It was popped out to the side more than the other one. He seemed to be wincing as he was huffing and puffing, and you reached up towards him.

He slapped you away with his large gloved hand. "What the..."

"What did you do to your shoulder Commander?" you asked pulling your hand back.

He looked down and considered you for a moment. He stepped away and went back to pacing looking at the organized shelves behind him. There were rows and rows of supplies in drawers and glass jars on the counter. Well, most of them were now broken on the floor.

He sighed and turned back around to you. "It's popped out of place and it hurts like a bitch. My medics aren't working right now."

You nodded your head slowly as you tried to regulate your breathing. Walking over to the patient's table, you pulled down the sheet of sanitary paper to cover the surface. Looking up at him, you gestured for him to come sit down. The blank expression of his helmet told you absolutely nothing about what he was thinking.

"Do you want me to look at it? Because I can," you said as calmly as you could. Trying to steady your breathing and balance, you stared at him, waiting for an answer.

After a few tense moments, he let out a long and defeated sigh and walked over to the table. Before sitting down, he stared at you again before awkwardly lowering his body down onto the thin sheet of paper. Even sitting down, which was usually a good height to help most people, his shoulders were in line with yours.

Deciding you'd need some extra height, you turned around to grab the stool that was wedged between nearby cabinets, you propped it up and stepped upon it. Well, it had helped a little bit, but not much.

Your hands were shaking as you started to reach towards his left shoulder. You paused before touching him.

"Um, actually Commander, I can't really get a good look at anything with all of your armor and uh, clothing on," you said very matter-of-factly trying to hide the red that was creeping onto your face.

He slowly turned his head to the left to look directly at you. The heat in your cheeks intensified when you realized how close to him you were. Standing as still as you could and faking courage, you continued to stare into the nothingness of his mask.

He huffed and then attempted to slowly lift his arms upwards to take his cowl off. He whined in pain and lowered his arms with a quick jerk. Even under all the fabric and armor, you knew that he had probably dislocated his shoulder. This happened more than you would think with the troopers when they were in combat, so you knew what it looked like.

"Do you want- uh, do you want me to-"

"Yes, fine. Whatever," he said with a synthesized growl.

Your shaking hands slowly raised up as you grabbed his cowl and gently pulled it over his neck. Getting his layers off without hurting his shoulder more was going to be tricky.

You pondered and then decided that he should try to take off the right side and you could get the left. Without saying your plan out loud, he began trying to shrug off the layers on his right side. Baffled, you stared as he continued to do what you were thinking.

Wait- could he read your thoughts? 

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